
Thisextensionattemptstooptimisetumblrtopreventlagafteralotofscrolling.Thisextensionaimstoreducethelagthatoccurson ...,Thisextensionattemptstooptimisetumblrtopreventlagafteralotofscrolling.Thisextensionaimstoreducethelagthatoccursontumblrafterscro...

Does anyone else get extreme lag when trying to type on Tumblr ...


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Tumblr Optimiser

This extension attempts to optimise tumblr to prevent lag after a lot of scrolling. This extension aims to reduce the lag that occurs on ...

Tumblr Optimiser - Chrome Web Store

This extension attempts to optimise tumblr to prevent lag after a lot of scrolling. This extension aims to reduce the lag that occurs on tumblr after scrolling ...

Tumblr 上的已知問題

如要查看Tumblr 的正常運行/運行中斷狀態,請見這裡https://automatticstatus.com/。 收件匣中的幽靈通知/ 不正確的收件匣計數. 如果你看到有未讀訊息或提問的通知 ...


Tumblr教學文系列tumblr初學者: 你可能沒聽過的「小」網誌Tumblr--優點、缺點比較及介紹Tumblr基本的發表功能-- ... 在頁面上加一個一直「飄浮不動」的「△Back to top」按鈕.

2020 年1 月21 日:Tumblr 探索功能載入問題(僅限網頁版)[已解決]

美加東部標準時間早上9:41(台灣時間晚上10:41),事件更新:狀況解除!所有問題都已修復,Tumblr 一切回歸正常。對於突如其來的干擾狀況,我們在此致歉,也再次 ...

[問卦] tumblr影片怎麼跑那麼慢? - 看板Gossiping

如題跑到廁所大便,順便想看個tumblr 但是tumblr現在都只有看圖的用途如果是影片的話都要跑很久,不如說根本跑不動在那邊看影片停格看老半天,都垂頭喪氣了這樣要怎麼 ...

[問卦] tumblr有些時候跑不動? - 看板Gossiping

[問卦] tumblr有些時候跑不動?消失 ; 所以我的問題呢求解好ㄇ要上傳影片還一直失敗別人影片有些也是掛掉嗚嗚嗚※ 編輯: a2016596 (, 10/01/2017 16:11:19. 推.

Tumblr website very laggy : rtumblrhelp

My tumblr on my laptop is incredibly laggy. I don't know what's causing it. I've cleared my cookies and cache multiple times, made certain all my browsers are ...

Does anyone else get extreme lag when trying to type on Tumblr ...

Does anyone else get extreme lag when trying to type on Tumblr? Like it will lag so hard it'll just freeze the page and I have to wait 578947 minutes.

How To Fix And Solve Tumblr Lag | Final Solution

I hope this video helped solve your problem. Is the app still not working? If so, drop your question in a comment below!


Thisextensionattemptstooptimisetumblrtopreventlagafteralotofscrolling.Thisextensionaimstoreducethelagthatoccurson ...,Thisextensionattemptstooptimisetumblrtopreventlagafteralotofscrolling.Thisextensionaimstoreducethelagthatoccursontumblrafterscrolling ...,如要查看Tumblr的正常運行/運行中斷狀態,請見這裡https://automatticstatus.com/。收件匣中的幽靈通知/不正確的收件匣計數.如果你看到有未讀訊息或提...