
Connectify Hotspot: Turn your PC into a Wi

Connectify Hotspot is a virtual router that lets you share Wi-Fi, 3G/4G, and ethernet connections on your PC with your friends, family, and other devices.

How To Convert Desktop Computer To WiFi

2024年2月6日 — The easiest way to connect your desktop PC to a wireless network is through a USB WiFi adapter or by installing a dedicated PCIe WiFi adapter.

How to Create a WiFi Hotspot From Your PC (No Downloads)

To do this first you must go to the control panel. Go to the windows search bar and search Control Panel and open the control panel. Next, click on Network ...

How to Turn a PC Into a Wireless Hotspot

How to Turn a PC Into a Wireless Hotspot · 1. Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel. · 2. Click Network and Sharing Center, and choose  ...

How to Turn Your Windows PC Into a Wi

2023年10月8日 — To create a hotspot on Windows 10 or Windows 11, open the Settings app, navigate to Network & Internet > Mobile Hotspot, then click the ...

MyPublicWiFi - Virtual Access Point, Turn your PC into a Wi

MyPublicWiFi is an easy-to-use software that turns your laptop/tablet/PC into a Wi-Fi wireless access point or Multifunctional Hotspot.

Need to Get Online? How to Turn Your Computer Into a ...

You can wirelessly share your Wi-Fi or wired internet connection with other devices by turning a PC or Mac into a hotspot.

Use your Windows PC as a mobile hotspot

Turn your Windows PC into a mobile hotspot by sharing your internet connection with other devices over Wi-Fi. You can share a Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular ...


ConnectifyHotspotisavirtualrouterthatletsyoushareWi-Fi,3G/4G,andethernetconnectionsonyourPCwithyourfriends,family,andotherdevices.,2024年2月6日—TheeasiestwaytoconnectyourdesktopPCtoawirelessnetworkisthroughaUSBWiFiadapterorbyinstallingadedicatedPCIeWiFiadapter.,Todothisfirstyoumustgotothecontrolpanel.GotothewindowssearchbarandsearchControlPanelandopenthecontrolpanel.Next,clickonNetwork ...,How...

Maryfi - 簡簡單單將電腦化身為無線熱點

Maryfi - 簡簡單單將電腦化身為無線熱點
