
What is the correct way to completely remove an application?

You can safely use sudo apt-get remove --purge application or sudo apt-get remove applications 99% of the time. When you use the purge flag, it ...

How can you completely remove a package? - uninstall

Use the command: sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove packagename. It will purge required packages along with dependencies that are installed with those packages.

apt remove: Uninstall apt Packages in Ubuntu

Uninstall apt packages. The apt command gives you all the essential tools to manage the APT packages. For uninstalling a package, it provides the remove option.

How to Uninstall or Remove Packages in Ubuntu

1. Open Ubuntu Software Center. · 2. Select the Installed tab. · 3. Scroll down the list of programs and find the one to uninstall. · 4. Click the ... Uninstall Packages in Ubuntu... · Option 1: Uninstall Ubuntu...


apt-get 移除. 執行 $ sudo apt-get remove hello. 顯示. Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state ...

常用的apt 指令(安裝、更新、移除)

移除. 移除插件. # Keep configuration file sudo apt-get remove vsftpd. 移除插件,並同時 ...

Package management

Highlight the package you want to remove, then press the - key. The package entry should turn pink, indicating it has been marked for removal. Now press g to be ...

Remove Package in Ubuntu: Linux How to Uninstall

The apt-get purge command can be used to remove packages in Ubuntu (unnecessary packages, including configuration files, listed directories, and files). It ...

5 Ways to Remove Installed Packages on Ubuntu

Use the Software Center to easily uninstall packages on Ubuntu. Open it, go to the Installed tab, find the application, and click Uninstall.

Learn 6 Ways To Uninstall Package In Ubuntu

To uninstall a package and remove its configuration files, you can use the sudo apt-get purge package_name or apt –purge remove package_name ... Option #1 Uninstall Ubuntu... · Option #3 Uninstall Ubuntu...


Youcansafelyusesudoapt-getremove--purgeapplicationorsudoapt-getremoveapplications99%ofthetime.Whenyouusethepurgeflag,it ...,Usethecommand:sudoapt-getpurge--auto-removepackagename.Itwillpurgerequiredpackagesalongwithdependenciesthatareinstalledwiththosepackages.,Uninstallaptpackages.TheaptcommandgivesyoualltheessentialtoolstomanagetheAPTpackages.Foruninstallingapackage,itprovidestheremoveoption...