Linux - CopyQ 教學- 剪貼簿工具




CopyQ monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application.


CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. It monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard ...

CopyQ Clipboard Manager 3.3.0,管理系統剪貼板

在下一篇文章中,我們將看一下CopyQ。 這是一個開源剪貼板管理軟件具有編輯和腳本功能。 有了它,我們將監視系統剪貼板,其內容將保存在自定義選項卡中。

CopyQ global shortcut not working on Ubuntu 21.04

2021年6月9日 — 4 Answers 4 · Open Setting from the top bar, select keyboard shortcuts · Scroll to the bottom and hit + · Set the command instead to copyq ...


CopyQ monitors the system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. · Saved clipboard entries can later be copied and pasted directly into any ...

How to Install CopyQ in Ubuntu 20.04

To install CopyQ on any Debian-based operating system, such as Ubuntu 20.04, you will need to add the PPA repository to your system's sources list.

Installation - CopyQ documentation

sudo apt install copyq # copyq-plugins and copyq-doc is split out and can be installed independently. On Ubuntu set up the official PPA repository and ...


2021年7月20日 — CopyQ是一个剪贴板增强软件,剪贴板增强软件可以大大提高你处理文本和表格内容时的效率,尤其时你需要经常进行复制粘贴操作时,提高效率的效果尤为明显。


CopyQmonitorssystemclipboardandsavesitscontentincustomizedtabs.Savedclipboardcanbelatercopiedandpasteddirectlyintoanyapplication.,CopyQisadvancedclipboardmanagerwitheditingandscriptingfeatures.Itmonitorssystemclipboardandsavesitscontentincustomizedtabs.Savedclipboard ...,在下一篇文章中,我們將看一下CopyQ。這是一個開源剪貼板管理軟件具有編輯和腳本功能。有了它,我們將監視系統剪貼板,其內容將保存...