
Can't install meld

I'm trying to install meld on Ubuntu (I use VirtualBox on Windows 7) in order to visualize git diff : sudo apt-get install meld But, it doesn't succeed.

How to build Meld on Ubuntu?

I am attempting to build the latest version of Meld on Ubuntu 20.10. I have followed the instructions at https://github.com/GNOME/meld, ensuring ...

ubuntulinux系统管理(12)Ubuntu 22.04 安装文件比对工具Meld ...

其实Linux下文本比较工具很多,比如Meld。 安装: sudo apt-get install meld 想要运行直接在命令行中输入meld&, 在这里插入图片描述

在Ubuntu 20.04中安装常用的工具3 (Meld, VLC, Kazam) 原创

Meld 是类似Beyong Compare 的一种优秀的文件或目录比较软件,并支持许多流行的版本控制系统。 $ sudo apt-get install meld. 1. 1. 可以在 ...

Meld, compare files and folders graphically in Ubuntu

If you prefer to use the terminal to install applications, also you can use the command line package manager to install Meld. In Ubuntu it is available from ...

Install Meld on Linux

Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects.

Meld not launching in Ubuntu - python

I just installed meld in Ubuntu 20.04. Upon trying to launch meld, I got the following error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File /usr/bin/meld, ...

How to Install Meld on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

You can install meld by using sudo apt install meld command as show below. This will download and install the package from default Ubuntu repo along with all ...


Installing Meld on Ubuntu/Linux Mint ... Kindly note that following command will also install Meld on your Ubuntu/Mint system, but it will install old version.


I'mtryingtoinstallmeldonUbuntu(IuseVirtualBoxonWindows7)inordertovisualizegitdiff:sudoapt-getinstallmeldBut,itdoesn'tsucceed.,IamattemptingtobuildthelatestversionofMeldonUbuntu20.10.Ihavefollowedtheinstructionsathttps://github.com/GNOME/meld,ensuring ...,其实Linux下文本比较工具很多,比如Meld。安装:sudoapt-getinstallmeld想要运行直接在命令行中输入meld&,在这里插入图片描述,Meld是类似BeyongCo...