[Ubuntu 22.04] How to Install and Configure NFS Server?

而我想要在Ubuntu上建立NFSServer,透過Mac上的NFSClient連上。目前的環境:Ubuntu...目前showmount的指令會是空的,因為還沒有NFSClient連上,如果 ...,I'veinstalledUbuntu22.04onamachineandIamtryingtomountanNFSsharewhichhasnoproblemsmountingonanarrayofoth...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在Ubuntu 上架設NFS server

而我想要在Ubuntu 上建立NFS Server,透過Mac 上的NFS Client 連上。目前的環境: Ubuntu ... 目前showmount 的指令會是空的,因為還沒有NFS Client 連上,如果 ...

unable to mount nfs on Ubuntu 22.04

I've installed Ubuntu 22.04 on a machine and I am trying to mount an NFS share which has no problems mounting on an array of other Linux Ubuntu machines.

How to count NFS clients connected to your NFS server?

A quick method, which should work everywhere, is to list all connected sockets to the nfs port via ss on the server: ss -a | grep nfs.


showmount queries the mount daemon on a remote host for information about the state of the NFS server on that machine.


showmount showmount 在遠程主機上查詢關於該NFS 服務器的掛載進程狀態。 如果不使用任何參數, showmount 顯示所有從該服務器上掛載到本地的客戶清單。


showmount showmount 在遠程主機上查詢關於該NFS 伺服器的掛載進程狀態。 如果不使用任何參數, showmount 顯示所有從該伺服器上掛載到本地的客戶清單。

NFS troubles: showmount

I'm having a number of troubles setting up an NFS mount on a Ubuntu server, and the main issue seems to be in making connection from the client (a Mac).


showmount用来显示nfs服务器的挂载信息. 使用. $ showmount --exports Export list for /mnt/d /mnt/nfs-share ...

Linux NFS 設定

Ubuntu. sudo apt install nfs-common nfs ... 測試驗證. 用NFS Server IP 或hostname 來顯示開放分享的目錄清單. showmount -e showmount -e nfs-920.

NFS: showmount -d-a doesnt show any info : rlinuxadmin

showmount works by contacting the server's MNT service directly. NFSv4-only servers have no need to advertise their exported root filehandles via this method.


而我想要在Ubuntu上建立NFSServer,透過Mac上的NFSClient連上。目前的環境:Ubuntu...目前showmount的指令會是空的,因為還沒有NFSClient連上,如果 ...,I'veinstalledUbuntu22.04onamachineandIamtryingtomountanNFSsharewhichhasnoproblemsmountingonanarrayofotherLinuxUbuntumachines.,Aquickmethod,whichshouldworkeverywhere,istolistallconnectedsocketstothenfsportviassontheserver:ss-a|grepnfs.,showmountqueriesth...