免費開源的macOS 壓縮軟體



The Unarchiver Mac版

The Unarchiver 是一款简单易用的小程序,可以解压许多不同类型的存档文件。它能够打开Zip、RAR(包括v5)、7-zip、Tar、Gzip 和Bzip2 等常见格式。

在Mac App Store 上的「The Unarchiver」

The Unarchiver is a small and easy to use program that can unarchive many different kinds of archive files. It will open common formats such as Zip, ...

The Unarchiver on the Mac App Store

The Unarchiver is a small and easy to use program that can unarchive many different kinds of archive files. It will open common formats such as Zip, ...

Top Free Unarchiving Software for macOS

The Unarchiver is the world's favorite RAR opener for Mac. Unlike Mac's native tool it's sleeker and supports all known archive types. Free Download.

The Unarchiver针对于Mac

The Unarchiver是一款免费实用的解压缩应用程序,用户可以使用它解压多达30种不同的压缩格式文件。 The Unarchiver使用方式简单便捷,你只需选择需要解压缩的文件, ...

The Unarchiver

Get the top application for archives on Mac. It's a RAR extractor, it allows you to unzip files, and works with dozens of other formats.

The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver is a powerful compression software Support zip, 7z, rar, gzip, bzip2... compression formats.

The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver是一個專有的數據解壓工具,它支持的格式比macOS中內置的歸檔實用程序Archive Utility(以前稱為BOMArchiveHelper)更多。 ... 它還可以處理用其他非英語版本 ...


TheUnarchiver是一款简单易用的小程序,可以解压许多不同类型的存档文件。它能够打开Zip、RAR(包括v5)、7-zip、Tar、Gzip和Bzip2等常见格式。,TheUnarchiverisasmallandeasytouseprogramthatcanunarchivemanydifferentkindsofarchivefiles.ItwillopencommonformatssuchasZip, ...,TheUnarchiverisasmallandeasytouseprogramthatcanunarchivemanydifferentkindsofarchivefiles.ItwillopencommonformatssuchasZip, ...,TheUnar...