
Create a QR Code

Go into our QR Code app, and click Create a QR Code. QR Codes types and actions. In the Type box, top left of the generator: Select a type: You can choose ...

Générateur de QR Codes

Modèles. Classic QR Code template. Facebook QR Code template.

How to create a QR Code?

You will create QR Codes in 3 steps. Our generator is one of the most comprehensive and innovative on the market and has a extensive set of customisations that ...

QR Code Generator by Unitag

2014年8月4日 — The simplest and smartest QR Code generator available to create free and amazing QR Codes for all types of usage: URL, personal business ...

The free QR code generator

Our free QR code generator! Try our powerful free Qr code generator and let your imagination guide your creation with our powerful tool.

Unitag Documentation | Home of QR

Go into our QR Code app, and click Create a QR Code. QR Codes types and actions. In the Type box, top left of the generator: Select a type: You can choose ...

Unitag | QR codes solutions for Enterprises

Unitag, QR Code Solutions for Businesses. QR codes tools with Digital Business Cards, Packaging and Labelling, QR code and a set of services for the ...

What is a QR Code ?

A QR Code is a two-dimensional square barcode which can store encoded data. Most of the time the data is a link to a website (URL). Introduction. Today, QR ...


GointoourQRCodeapp,andclickCreateaQRCode.QRCodestypesandactions.IntheTypebox,topleftofthegenerator:Selectatype:Youcanchoose ...,Modèles.ClassicQRCodetemplate.FacebookQRCodetemplate.,YouwillcreateQRCodesin3steps.Ourgeneratorisoneofthemostcomprehensiveandinnovativeonthemarketandhasaextensivesetofcustomisationsthat ...,2014年8月4日—ThesimplestandsmartestQRCodegeneratoravailabletocreatefreeandamaz...

Excel 內建 QR Code 產生器,批量製作教學

Excel 內建 QR Code 產生器,批量製作教學

想要在 Excel裡面插入QRCode只能另外開啟網頁,找QRCode產生器,然後再插入圖片到Excel中嗎?今天小編來分享一個更快速的方法,直接在Excel裡面就可以製作QRCode,不需要再開啟額外的視窗,工作效率能夠大大提升...

Free QR Creator - 輕輕鬆鬆製作手機專用QRcode

Free QR Creator - 輕輕鬆鬆製作手機專用QRcode
