Facebook 'Unsupported browser' error on Safari after macOS ...

2023年9月30日—Method1:UpgradetotheLatestSoftwareVersion;Method2:UpdatetheSafariApponOlderDevices;Method3:ForceCloseandRelaunchBrowser ...,2023年1月31日—IfyouareusingSafarionMacOSandtheforumsaysyourbrowserisunsupported(becauseMojaveisfine,thanks),...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to Fix

2023年9月30日 — Method 1: Upgrade to the Latest Software Version; Method 2: Update the Safari App on Older Devices; Method 3: Force Close and Relaunch Browser ...

"Unsupported browser"

2023年1月31日 — If you are using Safari on MacOS and the forum says your browser is unsupported (because Mojave is fine, thanks), there is an easy fix.


Hi. I'm just setting up Protect and am surprised that logging into Protect from Safari on macOS is blocked? Unifi Video worked fine on Safari, ...

Browser not supported?

2023年2月14日 — Safari is not compatible with all websites. There is nothing wrong with your phone or Safari, it just means the developer hasn't made it ...

Unfortunately, your browser is unsupported...Safari Version ...

2023年1月31日 — I'm getting this message when I login with safari Version 14.1.2. Any ideas?

If Safari doesn't open a page or work as expected on your ...

2024年6月4日 — If Safari doesn't load a webpage, stops responding, quits unexpectedly, or otherwise doesn't work as expected, these solutions might help.

Why am I getting an Unsupported Browser error?

2020年11月30日 — Select Safari from the Apple/System bar at the top of the screen. · From the drop-down menu, select Preferences. · Select the Security icon/tab at ...

Unsupported browser message on Safari

2023年1月13日 — I'm using Safari version 16.2 running on macOS Ventura (updated). Today, I'm seeing an Unsupported Browser message while trying to connect to ...


2023年9月30日—Method1:UpgradetotheLatestSoftwareVersion;Method2:UpdatetheSafariApponOlderDevices;Method3:ForceCloseandRelaunchBrowser ...,2023年1月31日—IfyouareusingSafarionMacOSandtheforumsaysyourbrowserisunsupported(becauseMojaveisfine,thanks),thereisaneasyfix.,Hi.I'mjustsettingupProtectandamsurprisedthatloggingintoProtectfromSafarionmacOSisblocked?UnifiVideoworkedfineonSafari, ...,2023年2月...