4 Ways to Fix Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor ...



How to download and run the Windows version of USBView (the ...

Download and install the Debugging Tools for Windows. This set of tools takes up a few hundred megabytes, but it also includes other useful tools like WinDbg.

How to use and Install USBView

Open the kits debugger directory for the processor type you're running, and then select usbview.exe to start the utility.

Microsoft USB devices browser

Download the Microsoft USB devices browser USBView.exe. It is a free Windows graphical UI app to browse all USB controllers and connected USB devices on a ...

USB - 常用开发工具_usbview.exe

... (USBView)或usbview.exe 是一款Windows 应用程序,可用于浏览计算机上的所有USB 控制器和已连接的USB 设备。USBView 适用于所有版本的Windows ... win10.

USBDeview 3.07 免安裝中文版

USB連接埠檢查軟體- USBDeview,曾經插在電腦上的USB設備都會留下記錄,這個小軟體可以顯示USB設備的名稱、描述、類型、序號、首度插入裝置日期、最後 ...


USBView is a well-known tool for developers as a means of identifying problems related to USB hardware in Windows.


The Universal Serial Bus Viewer (USBView) or usbview.exe is a Windows app that you can use to browse all USB controllers and connected USB devices on your ...


网上能找到的都是旧的,不支持usb 3.0。 于是在MS 的网站上找了一个最新版本的,下面是来自WDK for Win10, 64位的:. usbview. 具体介绍可以看下面:.

Windows 中的通用序列總線查看器

USBView 是一個範例應用程式,可列舉USB主機控制器、USB中樞和連結USB裝置的基本資訊。 它也會透過對裝置的USB要求,查詢來自登錄和裝置的裝置相關信息。


DownloadandinstalltheDebuggingToolsforWindows.Thissetoftoolstakesupafewhundredmegabytes,butitalsoincludesotherusefultoolslikeWinDbg.,Openthekitsdebuggerdirectoryfortheprocessortypeyou'rerunning,andthenselectusbview.exetostarttheutility.,DownloadtheMicrosoftUSBdevicesbrowserUSBView.exe.ItisafreeWindowsgraphicalUIapptobrowseallUSBcontrollersandconnectedUSBdevicesona ...,...(USBView)或usbview.e...

Temple 1.17 查看 USB 裝置資訊的小工具

Temple 1.17 查看 USB 裝置資訊的小工具
