How to Restore a Broken iPod

RestoreyouriPhone,iPadoriPodtouchiniTunesonPC·Connectyourdevicetoyourcomputer.·IntheiTunesapponyourPC,clicktheDevicebuttonnearthe ...,2024年3月14日—Restoreyourdevicetofactorysettings·OpentheFinderonyourMac,oropentheAppleDevicesapponyourPC.·Connec...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch in iTunes on PC

Restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch in iTunes on PC · Connect your device to your computer. · In the iTunes app on your PC, click the Device button near the ...

Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to factory settings

2024年3月14日 — Restore your device to factory settings · Open the Finder on your Mac, or open the Apple Devices app on your PC. · Connect your device to your ...

How to Restore an iPhone from iTunes on PC or Mac

This wikiHow teaches you how to restore your iPhone from a backup using iTunes for Windows or macOS. Open iTunes on your computer.


RestoreyouriPhone,iPadoriPodtouchiniTunesonPC·Connectyourdevicetoyourcomputer.·IntheiTunesapponyourPC,clicktheDevicebuttonnearthe ...,2024年3月14日—Restoreyourdevicetofactorysettings·OpentheFinderonyourMac,oropentheAppleDevicesapponyourPC.·Connectyourdevicetoyour ...,,ThiswikiHowteachesyouhowtorestoreyouriPhonefromabackupusingiTunesforWindowsormacOS.OpeniTunesonyourcomputer.