Photoshop 入门知识:认识图位图像与矢量图



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向量藝術是以向量圖形組成的作品。這些圖形是以數學公式建立的點、線、曲線和形狀。縮放向量影像檔案時,不會降低解析度也不會損害畫質,因此可調整成您需要的任何大小 ...

How do Vector Graphics Work?

Vector graphics are a great tool for creating versatile art and design projects. Learn more about the technology that powers vector graphics with CorelDRAW.

Free Vectors to Download

Vectors are scalable graphic files that use mathematical formulas to represent shapes, allowing them to be resized without losing quality. They are perfect for ...

What are Vector Graphics? Vector Art Explained

Vector graphics are computer images created using a sequence of commands or mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a two-dimensional or three- ...


Explore millions of royalty free vectors, images, stock photos and videos! Get the perfect background, graphic, clipart, picture or drawing for your design.


Royalty free vector images, vector art, graphics, clipart, illustrations and high resolution stock images. Find the vectors you want!


向量圖形是電腦圖學中用點、直線或者多邊形等基於數學方程的幾何圖元表示的圖像。向量圖形與使用像素表示圖像的點陣圖不同。 向量圖形的顯示效果範例:(a)原始向量 ...


可縮放向量圖形(英語:Scalable Vector Graphics,縮寫:SVG)是一種基於可延伸標記式語言(XML),用於描述二維向量圖形的圖形格式。SVG由W3C制定,是一個開放標準。

