
Video Speed Controller extension - Opera add

評分 4.0 (32) · Presenting Video Speed Controller, a Opera add on that lets you fine-tune the playback settings on your favourite streaming website. From 0.25x, ...

Video Speed Up Controller for Chrome

Having trouble modifying playback speed on streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube? Meet Video Speed Controller, a ...

Video Speed Controller

Yes, it supports most popular streaming sites like Netflix, Prime Video, YouTube, and Twitch. 2. Can I use this extension to adjust speed in ...

How to change playback speed

You can change the speed of a TV show or movie by pausing it while it's playing, selecting the speed icon, and choosing one of the speed options.


其中按Z是後退10秒、按S為慢速播放,按D為快轉,按X為前進十秒,真的超方便! 影片加速器Video Speed Controller:下載點這裡. 看完了以上的擴充功能介紹,是 ...

Playback Speed Control for Netflix

Playback speed control for Netflix is a feature that allows viewers to adjust the viewing pace of their favorite shows and movies.


Video Speed Controller(影片加速器). 可以自定義熱鍵跟設置,像是播放幾倍、快轉秒數多少、基本的暫停靜音和設置節點等等功能。 以下分享我的設置

Why can't I control the playback speed through my smart TV

My Netflix in TV is playing video at 1.25x speed by default. I've updated the app to latest version but it's still not getting fixed any idea on ...

Is there any way to get finer speed controls for Netflix? I find ...

I'm looking for any kind of Chrome extension or Firefox add-on or other solution that would let me set Netflix speed more finely.


評分4.0(32)·PresentingVideoSpeedController,aOperaaddonthatletsyoufine-tunetheplaybacksettingsonyourfavouritestreamingwebsite.From0.25x, ...,HavingtroublemodifyingplaybackspeedonstreamingplatformslikeNetflix,AmazonPrimeVideo,andYouTube?MeetVideoSpeedController,a ...,Yes,itsupportsmostpopularstreamingsiteslikeNetflix,PrimeVideo,YouTube,andTwitch.2.CanIusethisextensiontoadjustspeedin ...,Youcanch...