vines that cared for me when no one else did

VinewasanAmericanshort-formvideohostingservicewhereuserscouldshareupto6-second-longloopingvideoclips.FoundedinJune2012byRusYusupov, ...Huddles(app)·DomHofmann·RusYusupov·ColinKroll,Theentertainmentnetworkwherevideosandpersonalitiesgetreallybig,re...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Vine (service)

Vine was an American short-form video hosting service where users could share up to 6-second-long looping video clips. Founded in June 2012 by Rus Yusupov, ... Huddles (app) · Dom Hofmann · Rus Yusupov · Colin Kroll


The entertainment network where videos and personalities get really big, really fast. Download Vine to watch videos, remixes and trends before they blow up.

A look back at Vine — the six

A look back at Vine — the six-second video app that made us scream, laugh and cry. The Vine app officially shut down in January 2017. Five years ...

Funny Vines May 2024 (Part 1) TBT Clean Vine

Try not to laugh or grin watching best destorm power vines compilation 2017 - co viners co videos 17m views

Best Of Vine 10 Years Later | Try Not To Laugh Challenge

We challenged the reactors to hold in their laughter while watching some of Vine's most iconic videos! Which Vine was your favorite?

Funny Vines December 2023 (Part 2) TBT Clean Vine

The Most Viewed TBT Vine Compilations Of Brent Rivera - Best Brent Rivera Vine Compilation. LET the FUN•28M views · 36:39 · Go to channel ...

Vine Compilations

2017 Vine Compilation Evan's Best LOL Bullying Moments w/ Josh Darnit & Evancredible vines · 2017 Skit Compilation featuring David Lopez & Josh Darnit funny ...

iconic, legendary vine compilation

Bring back vine ffs. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ my socials - Insta : Twitter ...


Vine是Twitter公司旗下的一款免費行動應用,允許使用者建立最長10秒鐘的短片並分享到到社群網路,比如Twitter和Facebook。Vine於首先登陸iOS平台、6月3日 ...


VinewasanAmericanshort-formvideohostingservicewhereuserscouldshareupto6-second-longloopingvideoclips.FoundedinJune2012byRusYusupov, ...Huddles(app)·DomHofmann·RusYusupov·ColinKroll,Theentertainmentnetworkwherevideosandpersonalitiesgetreallybig,reallyfast.DownloadVinetowatchvideos,remixesandtrendsbeforetheyblowup.,AlookbackatVine—thesix-secondvideoappthatmadeusscream,laughandcry.TheVineappoffic...