WALTR 2 Lets You Wirelessly Transfer Any Content To iOS Devices ...

評分4.9(1)·免費·WindowsWALTR2introducessmartAutomaticContentRecognitionbuiltforMusic,Movies&TVshows.Thisinvisibleimprovementmakesavisiblechangetothewayyousee ...,WeconsiderWALTR2asaveryeasy-to-useiTunesalternativefortransferringmediaintoiPhoneori...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Waltr 2 for Windows

評分 4.9 (1) · 免費 · Windows WALTR 2 introduces smart Automatic Content Recognition built for Music, Movies & TV shows. This invisible improvement makes a visible change to the way you see ...


We consider WALTR 2 as a very easy-to-use iTunes alternative for transferring media into iPhone or iPad. The drag & drop simplicity makes it ...

WALTR PRO Reviews | Magic Drop Area

WALTR PRO Reviews by Heavenly Customers · I tried Waltr2 yesterday for the first time and it was exactly as it was advertised. It was fast, easy and effective.

WALTR 2: Transfer any file from computer to Apple device.

WALTR 2 is a powerful macOS and Windows app that breaks media format barriers on your iPhone and iPad, earning praise from tech experts. Show WALTR Reviews.

Convert and push media into any Apple device with WALTR 2, no ...

WALTR 2 is the only app that gets the job done effortlessly, without breaking a sweat. In my personal opinion, it's definitely worth every ...

Can WALTR 2 Really Be Your iTunes Replacement?

WALTR 2 works very well at transferring media files to any Apple device. It converts files on the fly, keeping lossy files in a supported lossy format.

Does anyone use Waltr or the other Softorino apps?

I'm still on 10.12 and I use still Waltr. Very simple, handy little app for getting songs, videos etc onto phone (or, in my case, ipad).

WALTR Pro Review

WALTR PRO is safe and secure, with no malware or viruses detected during testing. It supports both Windows and Mac, and its installation is fast ...

WALTR 2:继续进化,这次不只是视频传输

WALTR 2 除了开始涉及各类文件类型,还针对各个细节进行了完善打磨,比如已经可以支持原码率导入 192kHz 音频文件以及 2160P 分辨率的4K 视频,最大帧速可达 ...

Waltr 2: Ditch iTunes & Transfer Data To Your iPhone ...

... -Depth-Tech-Reviews-254187101927126/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/IDTechReviews Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indepthtechreviews ...


評分4.9(1)·免費·WindowsWALTR2introducessmartAutomaticContentRecognitionbuiltforMusic,Movies&TVshows.Thisinvisibleimprovementmakesavisiblechangetothewayyousee ...,WeconsiderWALTR2asaveryeasy-to-useiTunesalternativefortransferringmediaintoiPhoneoriPad.Thedrag&dropsimplicitymakesit ...,WALTRPROReviewsbyHeavenlyCustomers·ItriedWaltr2yesterdayforthefirsttimeanditwasexactlyasitwasadvertised....