
How Can I Reach Mastery Rank 3?

2013年8月2日 — You would need to rank up another weapon or warframe. Mastery exp is earned through ranking a new weapon or warframe. Mastery exp can only be ...

Mastery Rank 3 Test

So I just got a friend into warframe and he told me mastery rank 3 test was absurdly difficult to complete plus it was bugged so I decided to try it myself.

Mastery Rank - WARFRAME Wiki

Kitguns, Zaws, and Amps must be ranked up to 30, gilded at their respective vendors, then ranked up again to award mastery points. The Paracesis, all Kuva ...


2023年3月16日 — Galvanized and archon are considered as rare for fusion, so 30k endo to max. Best use for a leg core is to max mods without clicking 10 times on ...

Mastery Rank 3 Melee test

2016年3月16日 — You an practice, but not on the earth relay. Use the mercury one if you can. Go forward through the big center room (concourse I think) and ...


2013年8月2日—Youwouldneedtorankupanotherweaponorwarframe.Masteryexpisearnedthroughrankinganewweaponorwarframe.Masteryexpcanonlybe ...,SoIjustgotafriendintowarframeandhetoldmemasteryrank3testwasabsurdlydifficulttocompleteplusitwasbuggedsoIdecidedtotryitmyself.,Kitguns,Zaws,andAmpsmustberankedupto30,gildedattheirrespectivevendors,thenrankedupagaintoawardmasterypoints.TheParacesis,allKuva ...,202...