waterfox language
waterfox language

Fixedanissuewithlanguagepacksnotworkingcorrectly.AddedsupportforWindowsLongPaths.Thanksto@goodusername123;Preventnewsearchesandopening ...,Waterfoxisafreeandopen-sourcebrowserbasedonFirefox.Itwasfirstmadefor64-bitsystems,backwhenFirefoxwasonlyfor...



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Fixed an issue with language packs not working correctly. Added support for Windows Long Paths. Thanks to @goodusername123; Prevent new searches and opening ...


Waterfox is a free and open-source browser based on Firefox. It was first made for 64-bit systems, back when Firefox was only for 32-bit.


Waterfox is a high performance browser based on the Mozilla platform.


Fixed an issue with language packs not working correctly. Added support for Windows Long Paths. Thanks to @goodusername123; Prevent new searches and opening ...

Waterfox Current language settings ▶ Help ▶ about

2019年9月15日 — There are no official language packages yet, but you can download fixed from https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/hawkeye116477:/ ...

Waterfox Change Language

2019年7月15日 — I go to the Tools > Options, I change the Locale Select to French Language and confirm it. I close and restart the Browser, ...

Language problem in Waterfox G5.1.3

2023年3月13日 — Hi,. the language won't change if i select Hungarian (Magyar) from the list, just a couple of words, no more. (ie. from the right click ...


Waterfox is a free and open-source web browser and fork of Firefox. It claims to be ethical and user-centric, emphasizing performance and privacy.

Language Pack · Issue #1929 · WaterfoxCoWaterfox

2021年2月2日 — It's not a bug. Mozilla's language packs will never work. You need language pack made for Waterfox. I have that packages on my repositories ...


Fixedanissuewithlanguagepacksnotworkingcorrectly.AddedsupportforWindowsLongPaths.Thanksto@goodusername123;Preventnewsearchesandopening ...,Waterfoxisafreeandopen-sourcebrowserbasedonFirefox.Itwasfirstmadefor64-bitsystems,backwhenFirefoxwasonlyfor32-bit.,WaterfoxisahighperformancebrowserbasedontheMozillaplatform.,Fixedanissuewithlanguagepacksnotworkingcorrectly.AddedsupportforWindowsLongPaths.T...