
Happy Wax®

Soy wax infused with essential oils and made in the USA. Healthier & Happier. No parabens, no paraffin, and no phthalates. Seriously Scented. Wax Warmer Accessories · Himalayan Salt Wax Warmer · Wax Warmers · About Us

Wax Warmers and Fragrance Wax Melters

Our wax melters come in three different sizes to fit your needs. You can choose from Accent™, Full Size™, and MidSize or Inverted™ electric wax warmers. Each ...

All Wax Warmers in Many Home Décor Styles

All Warmers. Explore high-quality Scentsy Warmers, all crafted by artisans around the world. Warmers & Wax · Warmers & Wax; All Warmers. 133 Products.

Oil Burner Ceramic Wax Warmer Delicate Tealight Candle Holde

供應中 [Easy to Clean] This oil burner is easy to clean and can be easily wiped with a damp cloth. The unique and exquisite design makes it a decorative candle burner.

Wax Warmer

Hot wax warmer pot for face, eyebrow, body, Brazilian, bikini, sensitive skin wax machine with 25 accessories for home salon wax.

Electric Wax Burner

Elite Gourmet ESB-301BF# Countertop Single Cast Iron Burner, 1000 Watts Electric Hot Plate, Temperature Controls, Power Indicator Lights, Easy to Clean, Black.

Candle Warmers Etc.

Canopy Illumination Fragrance Warmers quickly and safely warm wax melts from above. A halogen light gives off a soft glow, and ceramic or porcelain finishes ...

雙爐溶蠟機Professional Wax Warmer

供應中 Harley 雙爐溶蠟機提供專業兩側溫度設定旋鈕搭配易清潔表面設計,更容易清理殘蠟提升效能及專業度! 尺寸:長度約29.4公分; 寬度21.5公分; 高度11公分內鍋:外徑12cm ...

Wax Warmers in Candles & Home Fragrance

Wax Warmers · Safe and Flameless: Unlike candles, wax warmers don't require an open flame, making them a safer option, especially if you have children or pets.

Wax Melts & Warmers | Room Freshener

Our electric Wax Melt Warmer in a range of styles allows you to choose your favorite fragrance or mix and match. Enjoy 8 hours of room-filling fragrance in ... Filter · Sicilian Lemon · Lemon Lavender · Ocean Air


SoywaxinfusedwithessentialoilsandmadeintheUSA.Healthier&Happier.Noparabens,noparaffin,andnophthalates.SeriouslyScented.WaxWarmerAccessories·HimalayanSaltWaxWarmer·WaxWarmers·AboutUs,Ourwaxmelterscomeinthreedifferentsizestofityourneeds.YoucanchoosefromAccent™,FullSize™,andMidSizeorInverted™electricwaxwarmers.Each ...,AllWarmers.Explorehigh-qualityScentsyWarmers,allcraftedbyartisansaroundthe...