The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine

TheWaybackMachineisaninitiativeoftheInternetArchive,a501(c)(3)non-profit,buildingadigitallibraryofInternetsitesandotherculturalartifacts ...Home-TheWaybackMachine·Image·InternetArchivelogin·Donate,Thebestwaytosaveawebpagelocallyistorightclick,sav...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts ... Home - The Wayback Machine · Image · Internet Archive login · Donate

How to save Facebook post in Wayback machine?

The best way to save a web page locally is to right click, save as (or Ctrl+S) and select the single file option.

Toggle options Weekly views. All-time views; Weekly views; Title; Date published; Date archived; Date reviewed; Date added; Creator.

Wayback Machine 】 今天要介紹的工具是網站時光機...

--------------- 網站時光機並不是所有頁面都會儲存,但你也能透過手 動提交的方式讓它儲存你的頁面,他也能查看不同時間 區段頁面的樣貌(如果有儲存的話) ...

How to Use Wayback Machine to Find Facebook Page?

The steps below will guide you through the process: First, log on to the Wayback machine webpage and enter the Facebook profile URL which you wish to find.

The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine database of historical ...

The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine database of historical websites has been the target of a massive DDoS attack.

The Wayback Machine, a time machine for the web

The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, active since 1996, preserves nearly 900 billion pages for public access.

The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine... - Digital Trends

The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has suffered two types of attacks, including 31 million unique records being compromised.


The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is fully back in action with saving pages

Internet archive that works with Facebook? : rDataHoarder

Looking for an internet archive that works with facebook to see pictures/posts. I've tried the wayback machine already with no luck.


TheWaybackMachineisaninitiativeoftheInternetArchive,a501(c)(3)non-profit,buildingadigitallibraryofInternetsitesandotherculturalartifacts ...Home-TheWaybackMachine·Image·InternetArchivelogin·Donate,Thebestwaytosaveawebpagelocallyistorightclick,saveas(orCtrl+S)andselectthesinglefileoption.,ToggleoptionsWeeklyviews.All-timeviews;Weeklyviews;Title;Datepublished;Datearchived;Datereviewed;Dateadded;...

時間機器 TimeMachine 繁體中文免費字型下載

時間機器 TimeMachine 繁體中文免費字型下載
