
3DMark benchmark for Windows, Android and iOS

Benchmark your PC, tablet and smartphone with 3DMark, The Gamer's Benchmark. Free download, start benchmarking today. Which benchmark should I use? · Best Graphics Cards March 2025 · 3DMark for iOS

WebGPU Embedding Benchmark

This benchmark measures the execution time of BERT-based embedding models using the WASM and WebGPU execution providers across different batch sizes. Start ...

Stress My GPU

A free online GPU (and CPU) stress testing and benchmarking tool. Fully web-based (using Javascript and WebGL) - no downloads or installation required.

Web Graphics API Tester

Choose an API -, WebGL, WebGL 2.0, WebGPU.

Basemark Web 3.0

Runs all graphics tests in fullscreen demo mode. Note, this is not an official benchmark run and does not provide results.

Basemark Web

Basemark Web 3.0 is a comprehensive web browser performance benchmark that tests how well your mobile or desktop system can use web based applications.

Online GPU Stress Test - Matthew

Online GPU Stress Test or more simply GPU Load Test is a free test of your computer's GPU stability verified by running algorithms in parallel. This is the ...

Best in-browser online benchmark : rlowendgaming

Agreed, if you are going to use a browser benchmark to test for gaming. I would still recommend User Benchmark for more forensic results.


Top Market Research & Genuine Product Insight from our Users. Quickly find category leading products with UserBenchmark.

PassMark Software

Four charts to help compare the relative performance of different video cards (less frequently known as graphics accelerator cards or display adapters) GPU Compute Benchmark Chart · GPU Mega Page · DirectX 12 Benchmark Chart


BenchmarkyourPC,tabletandsmartphonewith3DMark,TheGamer'sBenchmark.Freedownload,startbenchmarkingtoday.WhichbenchmarkshouldIuse?·BestGraphicsCardsMarch2025·3DMarkforiOS,ThisbenchmarkmeasurestheexecutiontimeofBERT-basedembeddingmodelsusingtheWASMandWebGPUexecutionprovidersacrossdifferentbatchsizes.Start ...,AfreeonlineGPU(andCPU)stresstestingandbenchmarkingtool.Fullyweb-based(usingJavascriptandW...