
Webbot 7月預測-中國與白銀篇

因此,在2015 年7 月他決定以錄音儘快分享有關中國和白銀的預測。 就Clif High 於2015 年7 月13 日的錄音發佈,他從所得的數據作了以下的預測:

Some 2015 tech predictions

Apple open-sources Swift compiler, · Internet Explorer starts using an open-source rendering engine (like WebKit) · Google Code shutdown · Apple ...

Revisiting the 2015 Predictions – tecosystems

According to several metrics, AWS satisfied the prediction that it would extend its lead in 2015. This, in spite of notable increases in ...

Request type prediction for Web robot and Internet of Things traffic

The volume of Web robot traffic seen by Web servers and clouds continue to increase with the popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

2015 Predictions - by Justin Garrison

Security will hopefully become a major focus. Not to say it didn't get its own scrutiny in 2014, but maybe 2015 will see some real work to clean ...

Were 2015's SaaS Predictions Spot On?

Econsultancy's report reveals that 77% of companies planned to increase how much they spend on marketing in 2015, up from 71% in 2014. What's ...

Top 10 web development trends and predictions for 2015

Top 10 web development trends and predictions for 2015 · 1. Motion UI · 2. New challenges for responsive design · 3. Foundation for Apps · 4.

Review of 2015 predictions

Time to look back on the 2015 predictions from 12 months ago. How many of those crystal ball predictions came true?

2015 predictions

1. Say hello to the simplified experience · 2. The super contextual web · 3. Card design everywhere · 4. “SoPro” apps · 5. Smartwatches will be a ...

Cybercrime Trends & Predictions for 2015

At this point, it is already obvious that cybercriminals will continue putting efforts into payment systems as more money circulates on the web.


因此,在2015年7月他決定以錄音儘快分享有關中國和白銀的預測。就ClifHigh於2015年7月13日的錄音發佈,他從所得的數據作了以下的預測:,Appleopen-sourcesSwiftcompiler,·InternetExplorerstartsusinganopen-sourcerenderingengine(likeWebKit)·GoogleCodeshutdown·Apple ...,Accordingtoseveralmetrics,AWSsatisfiedthepredictionthatitwouldextenditsleadin2015.This,inspiteofnotableincreasesin ...,ThevolumeofWebrobottr...