
17 Best Chrome Screenshot Extensions [2024]

2024年3月10日 — Takes screenshots of the current webpage. Has simple editing tools such as graphics and annotations. Promotes online sharing via a view-access ...

3 Methods to Take a Full

2023年2月15日 — Here is how to use developer tools to take a Chrome full-page screenshot. Step 1. Open the webpage that you want to capture in Google Chrome.


The simplest and most reliable Chrome extension for taking a screenshot of an entire webpage. In one click screenshot a full page.


2023年10月26日 — The simplest way to take a full page screenshot of your current browser window. Click on the extension icon (or press Alt+Shift+P), ...

How to take a Chrome screenshot

2024年2月1日 — This easy-to-use extension lets you capture the entire webpage you're on with just one click. Simply click on the icon for the extension at the ...

How to Take a Full

2023年6月25日 — Go to the website you want to take a screenshot of, wait until it's fully loaded, and click the Screenshot tool. To take a full-page screenshot, ...

How to take a full

2023年2月16日 — Go File > Print… (if the menu bar is hidden on Windows, press F11, or alternatively, you can right-click on the webpage and select Print...) ...

Webpage Screenshot

2024年2月18日 — Since 2015 The most popular tool for your day to day. Whole page screenshot, sharing and much more. All the missing features of Google Chrome™ ...


2024年3月10日—Takesscreenshotsofthecurrentwebpage.Hassimpleeditingtoolssuchasgraphicsandannotations.Promotesonlinesharingviaaview-access ...,2023年2月15日—HereishowtousedevelopertoolstotakeaChromefull-pagescreenshot.Step1.OpenthewebpagethatyouwanttocaptureinGoogleChrome.,ThesimplestandmostreliableChromeextensionfortakingascreenshotofanentirewebpage.Inoneclickscreenshotafullpage.,2023年10月26日...

【iOS 限免】 網頁截圖 Webpage Screenshot

【iOS 限免】 網頁截圖 Webpage Screenshot
