

Test your website speed. GTmetrix tells you how your website performs, why it's slow, and how to optimize it.

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights Docs Enter a valid URL Analyze Make your web pages fast on all devices Check out What's new Documentation Learn about Web Performance

How to Benchmark a Website the Right Way [Example]

Website Benchmarking Best Practices · 1. Compare with similar web pages · 2. Test you website from multiple locations and devices · 3. Benchmark your website ...

Website Speed Test

Use this free Website Speed Test to analyze the load speed of your websites, and learn how to make them faster.

Basemark Web 3.0

Runs all graphics tests in fullscreen demo mode. Note, this is not an official benchmark run and does not provide results.

Benchmark Website Performance

Website performance benchmarking measures and evaluates your website's efficiency based on specific metrics related to website responsiveness.

Free Website Speed Test | Testing And Monitoring

Analyze page speed to see what resources your website loads, watch how it loads step by step, and check if third-party code is slowing you down.

Website Performance Test

Website Performance Test. Enter a URL to check how your website performs against key metrics and benchmark it against industry-leading brands.

Round 23 results

Performance comparison of a wide spectrum of web application frameworks and platforms using community-contributed test implementations. TFB Status · Fortunes · Introduction · Motivation and questions


Testyourwebsitespeed.GTmetrixtellsyouhowyourwebsiteperforms,whyit'sslow,andhowtooptimizeit.,PageSpeedInsightsDocsEnteravalidURLAnalyzeMakeyourwebpagesfastonalldevicesCheckoutWhat'snewDocumentationLearnaboutWebPerformance,WebsiteBenchmarkingBestPractices·1.Comparewithsimilarwebpages·2.Testyouwebsitefrommultiplelocationsanddevices·3.Benchmarkyourwebsite ...,UsethisfreeWebsiteSpeedTesttoanalyzeth...