How to Download WeTransfer File (2025)



WeTransfer: Transfer Files on the App Store

評分 4.8 (52,225) · 免費 · iOS WeTransfer is the simplest way to send (and receive) big files. Whether you're at your desk or on the go, transfer up to 200 GB in one go.

在App Store 上的「WeTransfer:傳輸檔案」

評分 4.9 (130) · 免費 · iOS WeTransfer 可讓您透過手機確認下載狀態、轉寄和刪除傳輸檔案。若您之前用筆電傳送過一份傳輸檔案,那就可以在應用程式中存取這些檔案和連結,進而輕鬆將其貼到常用訊息傳送 ...

Welcome to the WeTransfer app (iOS)

With the WeTransfer mobile app, you can check the download status, expiry date and delete transfers right from your phone.

How to send a transfer in the app (iOS)

After signing into your account, you can send transfers from the app by clicking on the floating blue (+) button. Sender_Completion_001.png.

How to download files on mobile via the app (iOS)

Open the Photos App; Tap the Search icon; Type 'wetransfer' in the search box; Tap the result with the App Store icon next to it; Tap See All ...

How can I view my received transfers in the app? (iOS)

In the WeTransfer mobile app, you can toggle between your Sent and Received transfer list. In the Received section of the transfer overview, you can see all ...


評分 10/10 (1) · 免費 · iOS · WeTransfer is a free file transfer application that allows you to send and receive large files up to 200 GB in size. This program is available ...

Sending files via WeTransfer directly from your iPad or iPhone

The first step is to go to on your iPad or iPhone and then click on the + icon to add your files.

WeTransfer for iOS

Fuel your creativity on the fly with WeTransfer's iOS app ✨: Seamlessly transfer, share, and collaborate anywhere, anytime.


評分4.8(52,225)·免費·iOSWeTransferisthesimplestwaytosend(andreceive)bigfiles.Whetheryou'reatyourdeskoronthego,transferupto200GBinonego.,評分4.9(130)·免費·iOSWeTransfer可讓您透過手機確認下載狀態、轉寄和刪除傳輸檔案。若您之前用筆電傳送過一份傳輸檔案,那就可以在應用程式中存取這些檔案和連結,進而輕鬆將其貼到常用訊息傳送 ...,WiththeWeTransfermobileapp,youcancheckthedownloadstatus,expirydateanddelet...