Use this Trick to REVIVE YOUTUBE on your Wii U! (Updated ...

TheYouTubeapplicationwasremovedfromNintendoeShoponWiiUonApril27,2022,andtheservicewasdiscontinuedonOctober27,2022.,EnsureyourWiiUhasthelatestsystemupdate.SelecttheYouTubeiconfromtheWiiUMenu.Oncestarted,anupdatemaybe ...,2022年10月30日—GoogleandYo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Discontinuation of YouTube Service for Wii U

The YouTube application was removed from Nintendo eShop on Wii U on April 27, 2022, and the service was discontinued on October 27, 2022.

How to Set up YouTube on the Wii U

Ensure your Wii U has the latest system update. Select the YouTube icon from the Wii U Menu. Once started, an update may be ...

RIP Youtube on Wii U

2022年10月30日 — Google and YouTube didn't discontinue the Wii U application, but there's a single ping to Nintendo's servers that sends back the message Sorry, ...


TheYouTubeapplicationwasremovedfromNintendoeShoponWiiUonApril27,2022,andtheservicewasdiscontinuedonOctober27,2022.,EnsureyourWiiUhasthelatestsystemupdate.SelecttheYouTubeiconfromtheWiiUMenu.Oncestarted,anupdatemaybe ...,2022年10月30日—GoogleandYouTubedidn'tdiscontinuetheWiiUapplication,butthere'sasinglepingtoNintendo'sserversthatsendsbackthemessageSorry, ...


