
adolfintelWindows10-Privacy: Windows 10 Privacy Guide

Windows 10 has raised several concerns about privacy due to the fact that it has a lot of telemetry and online features.

How to Have More Privacy with Windows (Step-by

1. Put Limits on Cortana. Cortana is the digital assistant built into Windows 10. It is also perhaps the feature most hated by privacy advocates.

How To Protect Your Privacy in Windows 10

To do this, you will first need to go to settings. Then go to privacy, then to diagnostics and feedback. You will then see a Diagnostic data ...

How to Protect Your Privacy in Windows

You can review and control your privacy settings directly in Windows 10 and 11 and remove collected data through Microsoft's online Privacy Dashboard.


Microsoft generously enables everybody to change the concerning settings, but hides them in countless menus, where a normal user does not want to search for!

W10Privacy 免安裝版

Windows 10/11隱私設定調整工具- W10Privacy,在Windows當中有許多關於個人隱私的設定,像是禁止微軟利用本系統進行實驗、禁止記錄行為的時間線、拒絕 ...


評分 4.7 (2,199) Help against Windows 10 spying! This tool protects your privacy from Microsoft's data snooping. Made in Germany ✓ Free of charge ✓ 100% secure.

Windows 10 privacy settings

Learn how to change your privacy settings on Windows 10. These steps adjust your privacy and security settings to Medium level protection.

Windows 隱私權- Windows Privacy

Windows 隱私權. 查看和設定您組織中的Windows 診斷資料,準備好因應一般資料保護法規(GDPR)。 概觀. 適用於IT 和合規性專業人員的Windows 隱私權與合規性指南.


若要控制哪些應用程式可以在應用程式中使用Windows 10 · 前往開始 ,然後選取設定>隱私權。 · 選取您想要允許應用程式使用的功能,例如日曆或連絡人。 · 選擇您偏好的設定以允許 ...


Windows10hasraisedseveralconcernsaboutprivacyduetothefactthatithasalotoftelemetryandonlinefeatures.,1.PutLimitsonCortana.CortanaisthedigitalassistantbuiltintoWindows10.Itisalsoperhapsthefeaturemosthatedbyprivacyadvocates.,Todothis,youwillfirstneedtogotosettings.Thengotoprivacy,thentodiagnosticsandfeedback.YouwillthenseeaDiagnosticdata ...,YoucanreviewandcontrolyourprivacysettingsdirectlyinWind...

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