The hosts file is a plain text file used to map host names to IP addresses . On Windows, it is located in the C:-Windows-System32-drivers-etc folder. Note that the Hosts file is owned by the System account [NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM] and may only be modifi
The Hosts file is used by the operating system to map human-friendly hostnames to numerical Internet Protocol (IP) addresses which identify and locate a host in ...
On Windows, launch Notepad (or another text editor) as Administrator. Open the hosts file, which is located under C:-Windows-System32-drivers-etc. What is the Hosts File Used For? · Windows 7
What is a Hosts File? The hosts file is a local plain text file that maps servers or hostnames to IP addresses. This file has been in use since the time of ... What is a Hosts File? · What Does a Hosts File Contain?
Windows users In Windows 10 the hosts file is located at c:-Windows-System32-Drivers-etc-hosts. Right click on Notepad in your start menu and select “Run as ...