How to Edit the Hosts File on Windows 10 & 11

Hello,I'vebeentryingtoeditmyhostsfile,buteverytimeIgettheerrorthefileisopenbyanotherprogram.,Thisisusuallycausedbythehostsfilebeingsettoread-onlyorlockedbyanti-virus.1.RemoveRead-onlyAttributeGotoC:-Windows-System32 ...,Thisarticleprovidesaworkar...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Unable to edit Hosts file

Hello, I've been trying to edit my hosts file, but everytime I get the error the file is open by another program.

Win 10 - Uh-oh! Could not update hosts file

This is usually caused by the hosts file being set to read-only or locked by anti-virus. 1. Remove Read-only Attribute Go to C:-Windows-System32 ...

Can't modify the Hosts or Lmhosts file

This article provides a workaround for a problem that prevents you from modifying the Hosts file or the Lmhosts file.

Windows 10

Try the following method. First open the hosts as txt. Then click File -> Save As; Then select All Files and type the name hosts.

Windows 10, can't edit hosts file

Copy the hosts file to your desktop edit it, save it in the same place and then copy it back to system32-drivers-etc. the UAC popup answer with ...

How to Edit the Hosts File in Windows 10

Click the Start menu or press the Windows key and start typing Notepad. · Right-click Notepad and choose Run as administrator. · In Notepad, click File then Open…

How to edit hosts file on Windows, macOS and Linux

Learn how to edit your system's hosts file: Navigate to C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchost; 2. Open the hosts file using Notepad + more. What is a hosts file · How to edit hosts file in Windows · Edit hosts file FAQ

Why can't I edit or even open 'hosts' file even when using CMD ...

You have to run the CMD as administrator. Then you will have Administrator: Command Prompt in the title. It is different from running cmd ...

Cannot save file host

1. Go to C:-Windows-System32-drivers-etc with explorer 2. Type on Shift and right-click on an open space 3. Click on open command window here as Administrator

How to FIX Cannot Edit File Host in Windows

... Cannot Edit File Host in Window 10 Unable to edit Hosts file 2020. Unable to save changes to Hosts file | Issue Resolved | Cannot Edit C:- ...


Hello,I'vebeentryingtoeditmyhostsfile,buteverytimeIgettheerrorthefileisopenbyanotherprogram.,Thisisusuallycausedbythehostsfilebeingsettoread-onlyorlockedbyanti-virus.1.RemoveRead-onlyAttributeGotoC:-Windows-System32 ...,ThisarticleprovidesaworkaroundforaproblemthatpreventsyoufrommodifyingtheHostsfileortheLmhostsfile.,Trythefollowingmethod.Firstopenthehostsastxt.ThenclickFile->SaveAs;Thensel...