Hotkeys in Windows 7

2010年10月22日—NewWindows7hotkeys;Windowslogokey+Uparrow,Maximizetheactivewindow;Windowslogokey+Downarrow:Minimizetheactivewindowor ...,ThefollowingtablecontainskeyboardshortcutsforworkingwithWindowsExplorerwindowsorfolders.KeyboardShortcut,Actio...。參考影片的文章的如下:


List of Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

2010年10月22日 — New Windows 7 hotkeys ; Windows logo key +Up arrow, Maximize the active window ; Windows logo key +Down arrow: Minimize the active window or ...

List of Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows Explorer windows or folders. Keyboard Shortcut, Action. Ctrl+N, Open a new window. Ctrl ...

The Complete Windows 7 Shortcuts eBook

This eBook comprises of more than 200 keyboard shortcuts containing almost all the keyboard shortcuts that are available in Windows 7 and its default programs.

Windows 7 Hotkeys

General keyboard shortcuts ; Ctrl+X · Cut the selected item ; Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert), Paste the selected item ; Ctrl+Z · Undo an action ; Ctrl+Y · Redo an action.

Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

2020年3月5日 — Win+Shift+M. Restore minimized windows to the desktop. Win+E. Open Computer. Win+F. Search for a file or folder. Ctrl+Win+ ...

Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Home, Display the Start menu. ; Ctrl+Alt+Break, Switch between a window and full screen. ; Ctrl+Alt+End, Display the Windows Security dialog box. ; Alt+Delete ...

Windows 7的常用快速鍵速查表

Windows 7的常用快速鍵速查表 ; 管理視窗 · Ctrl+Win+Tab. 固定式Flip 3D,3D畫面顯示後可以按方向鍵或滑鼠滾輪切換視窗 ; 管理視窗 · Alt+Esc. 輪流顯示已開啟視窗 ; 管理視窗.

Windows 中的鍵盤快速鍵

Ctrl + 滑鼠滾輪. 變更檔案與資料夾圖示的大小和外觀。 ; Ctrl + Shift + E · 顯示所選資料夾的所有上層資料夾。 ; Ctrl + Shift + N · 建立新資料夾。 ; Num Lock + 星號(*).


2010年10月22日—NewWindows7hotkeys;Windowslogokey+Uparrow,Maximizetheactivewindow;Windowslogokey+Downarrow:Minimizetheactivewindowor ...,ThefollowingtablecontainskeyboardshortcutsforworkingwithWindowsExplorerwindowsorfolders.KeyboardShortcut,Action.Ctrl+N,Openanewwindow.Ctrl ...,ThiseBookcomprisesofmorethan200keyboardshortcutscontainingalmostallthekeyboardshortcutsthatareavailableinWindows7andi...