
How to delete Win7 File Repository files? I'm willing to take ...

2020年10月11日 — They seem to be a form of backup files. C:-Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository ... windows-7/driver-store-and-driver-packaging.html.

Driver Store

2017年9月2日 — Driver Store-File Repository using huge disk space. ... Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository. ... 7. Click My feedback at the top, then find ...

Why isn't System32DriverStoreFileRepository allowed for ...

2020年2月12日 — -FileRepository is where Windows keeps a library copy of all currently installed drivers for possible future re-use (even though the ...

What Is the DriverStore Folder and Can You Delete It?

The DriverStore folder can be found in C:-Windows-System32-DriverStore. Some people might consider deleting the DriverStore folder to free up disk space ...

Create folder on system32driverstorefilerepository

2013年9月19日 — Click Ok at the Windows Security-prompt. You can now copy files/folder into this directory. To get control over all the other directories you ...

How do I delete folders from the Windows 7 DriverStore?

2013年5月19日 — 1 Answer 1 · Open command prompt ( cmd.exe ) as admin and run pnputil -e > C:-drivers.txt. enter image description here · open the file drivers.

windows 7 安裝完成!! 好肥!! (第8頁)

C:-Windows-Web-Wallpaper(45M) C:-Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository(1030M) C:-Windows-Help(105M) C:-Users-Public(217M) 這4個一刪除,1397M ...

Safe to restore c

2012年9月20日 — Hi, Long Story short, I damaged my c:--windows--system32--driverstore-- filerepository folder by running the utility 'driver store explorer' too

Inside the Windows 7 Driver Store

2010年12月28日 — The driver store is located under C:-Windows-System32-Driverstore. To get list of all drivers installed (staged) within the driver store, open ...


2020年10月11日—Theyseemtobeaformofbackupfiles.C:-Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository...windows-7/driver-store-and-driver-packaging.html.,2017年9月2日—DriverStore-FileRepositoryusinghugediskspace....Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository....7.ClickMyfeedbackatthetop,thenfind ...,2020年2月12日—-FileRepositoryiswhereWindowskeepsalibrarycopyofallcurrentlyinstalleddriversforpossiblefut...