Windows 8.1 Core vs Pro

2013年10月3日—Windows8.1willbeavailableinfourWindowsRT8.1,Windows8.1,Windows8.1Pro,andWindows8.1Enterpriseeditions.Windows8userswillbe ...,2014年9月25日—LearndifferencesbetweenWindows8.1ProandEnterpriseEditionstomakeyourupgradedecisionseasier.,,2...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Compare Windows 8.1 Editions

2013年10月3日 — Windows 8.1 will be available in four Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Pro, and Windows 8.1 Enterprise editions. Windows 8 users will be ...

Differences Between Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise ...

2014年9月25日 — Learn differences between Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise Editions to make your upgrade decisions easier.

Microsoft Windows 88.1 Editions Explained

2021年6月24日 — Windows 8 Pro is made for businesses and technology enthusiasts. It includes everything found in the standard edition plus features such as ...

What is the difference between Windows 8.1 ...

2015年8月9日 — Window Pro is good if you are using is only for home purpose, but if you are using is as business or job purpose then you can go for enterprise.

What is Windows 8.1 Enterprise and How Do I Get It?

2022年6月27日 — Unlike Windows 8.1 Pro and plain vanilla Windows 8.1, it is not available as a “stand-alone” purchase. A feature set of all four versions of ...

Which version of Windows 8.1 is best

2015年3月7日 — In the most basic understanding, the Pro is a standalone program, while Enterprise is actually meant to be used in a network environment. or as ...

Windows 8 editions

Windows 8, a major release of the Microsoft Windows operating system, was available in four different editions: Windows 8 (Core), Pro, Enterprise, and RT.

Windows 8

2022年7月7日 — Windows 8.1 Pro and Windows 8.1 are the only two editions sold directly to the consumer. Windows 8.1 Enterprise is the edition intended for ...


2013年10月3日—Windows8.1willbeavailableinfourWindowsRT8.1,Windows8.1,Windows8.1Pro,andWindows8.1Enterpriseeditions.Windows8userswillbe ...,2014年9月25日—LearndifferencesbetweenWindows8.1ProandEnterpriseEditionstomakeyourupgradedecisionseasier.,,2021年6月24日—Windows8Proismadeforbusinessesandtechnologyenthusiasts.Itincludeseverythingfoundinthestandardeditionplusfeaturessuchas ...,2015年8月9日—W...