
3 Tweaks and Apps To Make Windows 8.1 Usable Until ...

2019年3月21日 — 3 Tweaks and Apps To Make Windows 8.1 Usable Until Microsoft Does · Boot to Desktop · Classic Start · Modern Apps in Windows · Or Just Wait a ...

Five essential Windows 8.1 time

2014年2月3日 — Five essential Windows 8.1 time-saving tweaks · 1. Bypass the sign-in screen · 2. Boot straight to the desktop · 3. Put app shortcuts back on ...

Fix and Tweaks for Windows 8.1

What's your graphic card? Update your VGA drivers. In your VGA control panel, disable any forced effects, like Antialiasing, Anisotropic filter and V-Sync.

Top 5 tweaks to make Windows 8.1 feel more familiar

2014年1月29日 — Top 5 tweaks to make Windows 8.1 feel more familiar · Tweak 1: Boot to desktop · Tweak 2: Pin desktop apps to the taskbar · Tweak 3: Use the ...

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3 for Windows 8.1

2021年11月24日 — Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 8.1 · Easy to use simple user interface · Tooltips offer you guidance as to what the tweak does. · Offers ...

Win 8.1 on 1GB of RAM and Atom CPU,tweaks ...

2023年1月29日 — Go to Control Panel > System and click 'Advanced system settings'. Click the Settings button in Performance. Select 'Adjust for best performance ...


Various tweaks for Windows 8/10. Contribute to yuliskov/windows-tweaks development by creating an account on GitHub.

Windows 8.1 Tweaks to Get You Running

2013年10月20日 — The Windows 8.1 interface is definitely easier to navigate for anyone with a mouse. You also have more flexibility with your Start screen, so ...


The intent of this script is to automatize such routine tasks. Tweak list: weekly cleanup; old drivers cleanup; reg tweaks. Usage:.


2019年3月21日—3TweaksandAppsToMakeWindows8.1UsableUntilMicrosoftDoes·BoottoDesktop·ClassicStart·ModernAppsinWindows·OrJustWaita ...,2014年2月3日—FiveessentialWindows8.1time-savingtweaks·1.Bypassthesign-inscreen·2.Bootstraighttothedesktop·3.Putappshortcutsbackon ...,What'syourgraphiccard?UpdateyourVGAdrivers.InyourVGAcontrolpanel,disableanyforcedeffects,likeAntialiasing,AnisotropicfilterandV-Sy...