How To Generate a Battery Report in Windows 10




BatteryInfoView is a small utility for laptops and netbook computers that displays the current status and information about your battery.

How to check your battery health - Windows 10

How to check your battery health - Windows 10 · In the start menu, search for Windows Powershell · Right-click and select Run as Administrator · Type or paste ...

How to Check the Health of Your Laptop's Battery in Windows

Open File Explorer and click the OS (C:) entry under This PC. The battery report will be saved in this folder as an HTML file. Double-click to ...

Check Laptop Battery Health

This guide provides information about different methods to check your laptop's battery health using Windows battery report, BIOS, and Dell apps

怎麼在Windows的電池健康度? - USIN

怎麼在Windows的電池健康度? · 1. 檢測電池健康度(僅限Win10): Windows鍵+ R開啟「執行」頁面,輸入【CMD』開啟「命令提示字元」。 · 3. 查看電池使用報告 ...

Windows 電腦如何查看電池健康度,幫你檢視是否需更換電池!

來來來,指令在這: powercfg/batteryreport (劃底線部分複製並在Cmd按下Control+V) 然後勇敢地按下鍵盤上的Enter鍵!

How to Check the Health of Your Laptop's Battery in Windows

Windows laptops have a battery report feature that breaks down whether your battery is still kicking or is on its last legs.

一行指令Windows 10免裝軟體查詢筆電電池健康度#教學(130219)

此為Windows內建的檢測功能,只要在搜尋列輸入CMD叫出命令提示字元,於該頁面中輸入powercfg/batteryreport,就會將電池檢查報告Battery report儲存為HTML檔, ...


本主題涵蓋Windows 10電池和充電的建議。 所有執行Windows 的裝置都有一致的電池充電體驗,不論尺寸、指令集或平臺架構為何。 因此,使用者具有電池充電 ...


在命令提示符中輸入powercfg /batteryreport,然後按Enter。 電池報告是儲存在您電腦資料夾中的HTML 檔案。 檔案位置會顯示在命令提示視窗中。


BatteryInfoViewisasmallutilityforlaptopsandnetbookcomputersthatdisplaysthecurrentstatusandinformationaboutyourbattery.,Howtocheckyourbatteryhealth-Windows10·Inthestartmenu,searchforWindowsPowershell·Right-clickandselectRunasAdministrator·Typeorpaste ...,OpenFileExplorerandclicktheOS(C:)entryunderThisPC.ThebatteryreportwillbesavedinthisfolderasanHTMLfile.Double-clickto ...,Thisguideprovidesinfo...