
Free Alarm Clock

Free Alarm Clock is a free tool that allows you to use your computer to set up multiple alarms for all sorts of tasks – just like you can on your mobile phone.

How to Set Alarms in Windows 10

2020年12月22日 — 1. Type alarm into the Windows search box. ; 2. Click the Alarms & Clock icon. ; 3. Click the plug button to add a new alarm time. You can ...

How to Set an Alarm on Your Windows 10

2023年5月9日 — Type Alarm & Clock or Just Clock into the Windows search box. Click ... alarm screen indicating that notifications will only appear if the PC is ...

Free Alarm Clock for Windows

Free Alarm Clock is a free, full-featured, and user-friendly computer alarm clock for Windows. This freeware program allows you to set as many alarms as you ...

Windows Apps for alarms & clock software

Windows Apps for Alarms & Clock Software · ClocX · XNote Timer · Qlock · Jabat Automatic School Bell · Digital Clock (64-bit) · Desktop Earth Time Zones · Ham Clock.

Download Alarm Clock For Windows

Free Alarm Clock is a free tool that allows you to use your computer to set up multiple alarms for all sorts of tasks – just like you can on your mobile.

Alarm Clock HD

This is the ultimate multimedia alarm clock app with unlimited alarms, world clocks, weather, music player, radio player, RSS feeds, picture themes and more – ...

How to use alarms and timers in the Clock app in Windows ...

To launch the app, select Start and select Clock from the app list or type its name into the search box. · Alarms and timers work even if the app is closed or ...

PC Alarm Clock

2005年5月13日 — Transform your PC into a personalized alarm clock. PC Alarm Clock is a good, trial version Windows software, being part of the category ...


FreeAlarmClockisafreetoolthatallowsyoutouseyourcomputertosetupmultiplealarmsforallsortsoftasks–justlikeyoucanonyourmobilephone.,2020年12月22日—1.TypealarmintotheWindowssearchbox.;2.ClicktheAlarms&Clockicon.;3.Clicktheplugbuttontoaddanewalarmtime.Youcan ...,2023年5月9日—TypeAlarm&ClockorJustClockintotheWindowssearchbox.Click...alarmscreenindicatingthatnotificationswillonlyappearifthePCi...