Vypnutie mobilných dát

WindowsPhone(previouslycalledWindowsMobile)isamobileoperatingsystemdevelopedbyMicrosoft,initiallybasedontheWindowsCEkernelbeforemoving ...,WindowsMobileisadiscontinuedmobileoperatingsystemdevelopedbyMicrosoftforsmartphonesandpersonaldigitalassist...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Windows Phone

Windows Phone (previously called Windows Mobile) is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft, initially based on the Windows CE kernel before moving ...

Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile is a discontinued mobile operating system developed by Microsoft for smartphones and personal digital assistants. List of Windows Mobile devices · Mobile 2003 · Mobile 6.5 · Mobile 5.0

Microsoft windows mobile -

Windows Mobile is an operating system that has both a look-and-feel and a programmer API that are similar to Microsoft Windows but which runs in a dramatically ...

Windows Mobile - Microsoft Wiki

Windows Mobile is a mobile operating system line developed by Microsoft. It is used usually for PDAs and sometimes smartphones. It is similar to its predecessor ...

Windows Mobile 6.0 - Microsoft Wiki

Windows Mobile 6, codenamed Crossbow, is an iteration of the Windows Mobile operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released on February 12, ...

Windows Mobile裝置中心

英文. Windows Mobile Device Center. synchronization software program ; 西班牙文. Centro de dispositivos de Windows Mobile. 尚未定義描述 ; 繁體中文.

Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile是微软针对移动产品而开发的精简操作系统。2009年2月,微软发布了Windows Mobile 6.5系统。Windows Mobile捆绑了一系列针对移动设备而开发的应用软件, ...

Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile是微軟針對移動産品而開發的精簡作業系統。2009年2月,微軟發佈了Windows Mobile 6.5系統。Windows Mobile捆綁了一系列針對行動裝置而開發的應用軟體, ... Pocket PC 2000 · Windows Mobile 5 · Windows Mobile 6 · Windows Mobile 6.1


WindowsPhone(previouslycalledWindowsMobile)isamobileoperatingsystemdevelopedbyMicrosoft,initiallybasedontheWindowsCEkernelbeforemoving ...,WindowsMobileisadiscontinuedmobileoperatingsystemdevelopedbyMicrosoftforsmartphonesandpersonaldigitalassistants.ListofWindowsMobiledevices·Mobile2003·Mobile6.5·Mobile5.0,WindowsMobileisanoperatingsystemthathasbothalook-and-feelandaprogrammerAPIthataresimila...

【開箱】HTC TITAN X310e。Windows Phone新體驗

【開箱】HTC TITAN X310e。Windows Phone新體驗
