
Microsoft Fix it for Windows 7 for Windows Updates

This thread essentially lists a series of commands the I have found frequently fixes WU. This worked perfectly in 5 of the 11 cases.

Windows Update Troubleshooter Windows 7

Press Windows key+R and type services.msc in the Run box. · Look Windows Update,and right click it. · From General tab, you can change it either ...

Update Fixer

Update Fixer is a freeware app to automatically fix Microsoft Windows Update not working. This software is a third party software developed by Macecraft ...

How to Fix Windows 7 Update Errors with This One Simple Tool

If you're struggling with Windows 7 update errors, this secret tool will fix error code 80072efe and other common issues. Don't let update ...

Windows Update Loop Fix

An automated script to fix the Checking for Updates loop on Windows 7 - aakkam22/windowsUpdateLoopFix.

Windows 7 Update Repair

Click the Start button and type troubleshooter in the search box. Click on the Troubleshooting option in the search results.

Windows Update Reset (Fix It) Tool DownloadUse (3264 Bits)

The Windows Update Reset (fix it) Tool is a program that can help you fix the most common Windows Update-related issues.


Improve your Windows Update experience with this all-in-one tool. Reset the Windows Update Agent, delete temporary files, repair system corruptions, ...

Download Windows Update Tools for Windows

WinUpdateFix is a tool that can fix some problems linked to Windows Update primarily with Windows XP, Vista and 7. It is also written in French so you might ...

Reset Windows Update Tool

Improve your Windows Update experience with this all-in-one tool. Reset the Windows Update Agent, delete temporary files, repair system corruptions, ...


ThisthreadessentiallylistsaseriesofcommandstheIhavefoundfrequentlyfixesWU.Thisworkedperfectlyin5ofthe11cases.,PressWindowskey+Randtypeservices.mscintheRunbox.·LookWindowsUpdate,andrightclickit.·FromGeneraltab,youcanchangeiteither ...,UpdateFixerisafreewareapptoautomaticallyfixMicrosoftWindowsUpdatenotworking.ThissoftwareisathirdpartysoftwaredevelopedbyMacecraft ...,Ifyou'restrugglingwithWindow...