Western NC Hurricane Relief Items Update



A-Z Databases

New platform of WiseNews. Provides access to newspapers, magazines, journals and newswires published in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Includes all local ...


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因


議員專用. Members only. 議員辦公平台. Members' Portal. 歡迎 Welcome.

Q. What is the login information for WisersOne (formerly WiseNews)?

I want to access the WisersOne (formerly WiseNews) database, but when I go their website it asks me for a Group ID, User ID, ...

Wisenews 使用方法

... Just click the following icon using the computers in campus from Monday to Saturday, 8am to 7pm to enjoy the services. (No login and password are required)

WisersOne (formerly WiseNews) 電子剪報- Databases

WisersOne (formerly WiseNews) is a database which provides access to content from newspapers, magazines, journals and newswires published in China, ...

WisersOne 慧眼輿情: How to Search

Go to WisersOne 慧眼輿情 page. You do not need to login WiseNews to access its content. Attribution Inspired by “Find News & Newspapers: WiseNews” guide.


Site: http://ktklss.wisenews.net. Login from school (100 users at one time). Click <<IP Auto Login>>. Username and passcode not needed. Login outside school (5 ...

[PDF] 慧科搜索用戶指南

您只需接入互聯網並開啓瀏覽器,鍵入指定的網址後輸入組別名稱、用戶名稱及. 用戶密碼,便可即時登入慧科搜索。 有關慧科搜索的技術支援問題,歡迎電郵至[email protected] 或致電 ...



Wise PC 1stAid 1.48 自動修復電腦的疑難雜症

Wise PC 1stAid 1.48 自動修復電腦的疑難雜症
