
WordPress Menu User Guide

Login to the WordPress Dashboard. · From the 'Appearance' menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard, select the 'Menus' option to bring up the Menu Editor.

add_menu_page() – Function

Adds a top-level menu page. Description. This function takes a capability which will be used to determine whether or not a page is included in the menu.

How To Create WordPress Custom Admin Page and Menu From ...

The first step is to create a menu entry. To add the admin menu we use the add_menu_page function that we introduce to WordPress, the menu, and ...

Create a Custom Navigation Menu in WordPress Without Using ...

The first thing we need to do is to register your new custom menu's location. To do this, open your active theme's functions.php file with your ...

How to display a custom menu in Wordpress?

I currently have two different custom menus. I want the first menu Main to be displayed at the top of the page as the top navigation. I want the second menu ...

Add and Edit Menus in WordPress

Navigate to Appearance → Editor. Create or adjust your menu using the Navigation block. If you do not see Editor under Appearance, click Menus or Customize → ... Create a Menu · Add Links to a Menu · Reorder Menu Items · Menus

Create a Menu

Visit your dashboard. · Go to Appearance → Menus. · Click the “create a new menu” link, and give your menu a name. · Under “Menu Settings,” select at least one ...

How can I display a menu on certain pages only?

One easy way to implement is to use sidebar widgets as your primary navigation tool. the custom menu widget tool is pretty simple. Create a menu for each page.

How to Add Page to a WordPress Menu: 2 Methods

In the Add menu items → Pages section, check the box next to the pages to include in the new menu and click the Add to Menu button.

How to Add Custom Navigation Menus in WordPress Themes

In this article, we will show you how to add a custom navigation menu to any area of your WordPress theme.


LogintotheWordPressDashboard.·Fromthe'Appearance'menuontheleft-handsideoftheDashboard,selectthe'Menus'optiontobringuptheMenuEditor.,Addsatop-levelmenupage.Description.Thisfunctiontakesacapabilitywhichwillbeusedtodeterminewhetherornotapageisincludedinthemenu.,Thefirststepistocreateamenuentry.Toaddtheadminmenuweusetheadd_menu_pagefunctionthatweintroducetoWordPress,themenu,and ...,Thefirstthingwe...