
Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose

See photos from the controversial ending to Survivor Series 2015 where Roman Reigns defeated Dean Ambrose in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament ...

Roman Reigns

During this period, Reigns won the WWE Championship three times, the WWE Universal Championship once, the WWE United States Championship and WWE ... Public image of Roman... · Sika Anoaʻi · Steve Keirn · Georgia Tech

WrestleMania 31

Meanwhile, the 2015 Royal Rumble match was won by Roman Reigns, granting him a main event match for Lesnar's title at WrestleMania, but also a bad reception ...

I forgot how absolutely dreadful Roman Reigns was from 2015

Six years ago, Roman Reigns won the 2015 Royal Rumble by last eliminating V Rusev. This began his main event push, but was met with criticism by ...

Six years ago, Roman Reigns won the 2015 Royal Rumble by last ...

Roman Reigns won the 2015 Royal Rumble by last eliminating V Rusev. This began his main event push, but was met with criticism by many fans.

FULL MATCH - Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

FULL MATCH - Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton & Seth Rollins: Raw, Feb. 23, 2015 WWE•17M views

FULL MATCH: Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns

The Big Dog and The Eater of Worlds collide in a hard-hitting showdown: Courtesy of Peacock and WWE Network. Stream WWE on Peacock ...

Roman Reigns steals the WWE Championship

Roman Reigns unceremoniously ends The New Day's celebration for WWE Champion Sheamus on the Nov. 30, 2015, episode of Raw.

2015 Royal Rumble Match - WWE

Roman Reigns, Kane, The Miz and many more compete in the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match to earn a spot in the main event of WrestleMania 31: ...


SeephotosfromthecontroversialendingtoSurvivorSeries2015whereRomanReignsdefeatedDeanAmbroseintheWWEWorldHeavyweightChampionshipTournament ...,Duringthisperiod,ReignswontheWWEChampionshipthreetimes,theWWEUniversalChampionshiponce,theWWEUnitedStatesChampionshipandWWE ...PublicimageofRoman...·SikaAnoaʻi·SteveKeirn·GeorgiaTech,Meanwhile,the2015RoyalRumblematchwaswonbyRomanReigns,grantinghimamaineve...