X-mini Max & Uno Portable Speaker Review

FindhelpfulcustomerreviewsandreviewratingsforX-MiniUNOXAM14-ORPortableCapsuleSpeaker,Mono,OrangeatAmazon.com.Readhonestandunbiased ...,IfX-MiniUnoisjustonecapsulespeaker,X-MiniMaxisapairofminicapsulespeakerswherethesizeofeachunitissmallerthanUno....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Customer reviews: X-Mini UNO XAM14

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for X-Mini UNO XAM14-OR Portable Capsule Speaker, Mono, Orange at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased ...

X-Mini Max Capsule Speaker System Hands

If X-Mini Uno is just one capsule speaker, X-Mini Max is a pair of mini capsule speakers where the size of each unit is smaller than Uno. Equipped with ceramic ...


2013年4月13日 — X-mini recently sent me their capsule speakers, the Uno and Max, to review. Read on for the details of these fun little speakers!


2013年6月2日 — You can still 'Buddy Jack' or daisy-chain the UNO to other X-Mini speakers to give you a fuller sound. The UNO is heavier and feels much better ...


2013年8月29日 — 實測結果: 這一代的X-MINI MAX體積輕盈許多,也提供了單顆運作及線控音量調整等新設計…不過,聲音上還是X-MINI UNO 較為細緻,另外避震的部分建議可以 ...


FindhelpfulcustomerreviewsandreviewratingsforX-MiniUNOXAM14-ORPortableCapsuleSpeaker,Mono,OrangeatAmazon.com.Readhonestandunbiased ...,IfX-MiniUnoisjustonecapsulespeaker,X-MiniMaxisapairofminicapsulespeakerswherethesizeofeachunitissmallerthanUno.Equippedwithceramic ...,2013年4月13日—X-minirecentlysentmetheircapsulespeakers,theUnoandMax,toreview.Readonforthedetailsofthesefunlittlespeakers!,2013...