
macOS 使用X11 运行远端linux 中的x11 client 图形程序

此条连接建立后,xclock 通过此条通道走已经建立的ssh 隧道转发X11 图形界面数据到MacOS,MacOS 中会自动打开xquartz,弹出xclock 的图形界面。


XQuartz is an open-source version of the X.Org X server, a display server for the X Window System (sometimes shortened to X11 or X) that runs on macOS.


X server 管理主机上与显示相关的硬件设置(如显卡、硬盘、鼠标等),它负责屏幕画面的绘制与显示,以及将输入设置(如键盘、鼠标)的动作告知X client。

X11 for Mac

X11 for Mac. For OpenGL graphics to work, you may need to turn on indirect GLX by typing the following into your terminal.

關於Mac 版X11

關於Mac 版X11. Mac 已不再隨附X11,但你可以從XQuartz 專案取用X11 伺服器和用戶端程式庫。 Apple 製作了XQuartz 專案,希望藉社群之力進一步開發與支援Mac 上的X11。

關於Mac 版X11

關於Mac 版X11. Mac 已不再隨附X11,但你可以從XQuartz 專案取用X11 伺服器和用戶端程式庫。 Apple 製作了XQuartz 專案,希望藉社群之力進一步開發與支援Mac 上的X11。

Using X11 Forwarding on a Mac

Using X11 Forwarding on a Mac. X11 used to be included with macOS. Apple no longer includes X11 with macOS but it can be downloaded from the website below.

How to install XQuartz on macOS for SSH X11 forwarding

Explains how to enable X11 Forwarding with ssh on macOS/OS X v10.8 or above to get remote display on mac by install X Window XQuartz server.


The XQuartz project is an open-source effort to develop a version of the X.Org X Window System that runs on macOS. Releases · Support · Contributing


XQuartz(X11.app)是蘋果電腦為Mac OS X/OS X/macOS上X視窗系統的實作。蘋果的X11是以XFree86為基礎(自OS X 10.5開始使用X.org 的實現),加上硬體加速的2D繪圖支援,硬 ...

