
Installing Kodi on NAS Synology

This is a newbie question: when on this page https://kodi.tv/download, which package should I select to install kodi on my NAS?

EnQuiry on Synology NAS for XBMC serer

Just wondering if Synology NAS can install XBMC. The purpose of this NAS is to share videos using NFS, to update Movie DB to MySQL, to run ...

Xbmc (kodi) remote sources to Synology Nas with dns name

I'm trying to add my synology Nas media folders (tv shows and movies) as remote sources to Xbmc. I have a DynDNS account setup which works ...

Kodi and Synology Nas dsm 7.2

Kodi is a free and open source media player application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available ...

Synology NAS with Kodi Installation

Kodi is a free and open source media player application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available ...

A Kodi addon to manage your synology download station

This is an addon for the media center Kodi. Its goal is to be able to connect to a Synology NAS Download Station and see the current list of tasks there.

如何用KODI 來開啟Synology NAS 上的多媒體檔

KODI 是一種功能強大的多媒體播放軟體,也支援DLNA 串流多媒體播放。 KODI 可以安裝在電腦上,也可以安裝在某些Android 電視多媒體播放器上。

Built-in Plex Kodi service? : rsynology

KODI isn't a media server. Synology OS is based on Linux and you can run a Plex package. Or run it inside docker.

Kodi and Synology NAS

Is there any advantages to using Synology Packages / add ons as opposed to using it with a simple SMB share?

How To Create XBMC Library using MySQL with a Synology NAS

Tutorial on how to create an XBMC Library/Database using MySQL with your Synology Diskstation. Having an central library/database for all ...


Thisisanewbiequestion:whenonthispagehttps://kodi.tv/download,whichpackageshouldIselecttoinstallkodionmyNAS?,JustwonderingifSynologyNAScaninstallXBMC.ThepurposeofthisNASistosharevideosusingNFS,toupdateMovieDBtoMySQL,torun ...,I'mtryingtoaddmysynologyNasmediafolders(tvshowsandmovies)asremotesourcestoXbmc.IhaveaDynDNSaccountsetupwhichworks ...,Kodiisafreeandopensourcemediaplayerapplicationdevelop...