you are the apple to my pie
you are the apple to my pie


Auburn – Perfect Two Lyrics


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Auburn – Perfect Two Lyrics

That we're all we need 'Cause you're the apple to my pie. You're the straw to my berry. You're the smoke to my high. And you're the one I wanna marry [Chorus]

Is it, 'Apple of my eye' or, 'Apple of my pie'?

Idiomatically, the phrase means: someone or something that is especially dear; a favourite. Other variants of the idiom are: apple of one's eye, ...

Realashonship Quotes

You're the apple to my pie. You're the straw to my berry. Cause you're the one for me. And I'm the one for you. You take the both of us.

You Are the Apple of My Eye

You Are the Apple of My Eye is a 2011 Taiwanese coming of age romance film. It is based on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by Taiwanese ...

You're the Apple of My Pie

供應中 書名:You're the Apple of My Pie,語言:英文,ISBN:9781728265087,頁數:24,作者:Rossner, Rose,出版日期:2023/08/01,類別:童書(0-12歲)

You're the Apple of My Pie 電子書,作者Rose Rossner

Show the apple of your eye just how nuts you are for them in this sweet and pun-tastic book! Fall in love with your little one all over ...

You're the Apple of My Pie

供應中 評分 4.8 (96) Show the apple of your pie just how thank-fall you are for them in this sweet and pun-tastic book! Filled with heartfelt messages of love and gratitude, this is ...

七夕情人節將近,示愛別只會說「You are the apple of my eye」

想跟心儀的他/她告白,卻只會說I love you. 想表達濃濃愛意卻還是只會說You are the apple of my eye. 快學學這些深情的英文告白,找回熱戀的感覺吧 ...


指的就是你是我心目中的珍寶,也就是「你是我的摯愛」 ,所以現在學起來,不要再說什麼你是我冬天的太陽、夏天的冰淇淋了,那太old school了,用英文告訴他,You are the apple of my eye.「你是我眼裡的蘋果」,多帥,這可是告白專用喔!


Thatwe'reallweneed'Causeyou'retheappletomypie.You'rethestrawtomyberry.You'rethesmoketomyhigh.Andyou'retheoneIwannamarry[Chorus],Idiomatically,thephrasemeans:someoneorsomethingthatisespeciallydear;afavourite.Othervariantsoftheidiomare:appleofone'seye, ...,You'retheappletomypie.You'rethestrawtomyberry.Causeyou'retheoneforme.AndI'mtheoneforyou.Youtakethebothofus.,YouAretheAppleofMyEyeisa2011Taiwa...