
File sharing

Terms of service. Files sent through this application are only intended for the specific receiver, sharing the files with other people is not allowed ...


YouTransfer is a simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & sharing solution. It is an alternative to paid services like Dropbox⁠ and WeTransfer⁠ by ...

The simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & ...

YouTransfer is a simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & sharing solution. It is an alternative to paid services like Dropbox and WeTransfer by offering ...

WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online

English; Nederlands; Italiano; Français; Deutsch; Español; Polski; Português; Português Brasil; Español Latino; Türkçe; Bokmål; Dansk; Svenska.

WeTransfer link



What is YouTransfer? YouTransfer represents a simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & sharing solution. It represents an alternative to paid services ...

YouTransfer.io - the simple & elegant file

YouTransfer is a simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & sharing solution. It is an alternative to paid services like Dropbox and WeTransfer by ...

YouTransferREADME.md at master

YouTransfer is a simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & sharing solution. It is an alternative to paid services like Dropbox and WeTransfer by offering ...


Termsofservice.Filessentthroughthisapplicationareonlyintendedforthespecificreceiver,sharingthefileswithotherpeopleisnotallowed ...,YouTransferisasimplebutelegantself-hostedfiletransfer&sharingsolution.ItisanalternativetopaidserviceslikeDropbox⁠andWeTransfer⁠by ...,YouTransferisasimplebutelegantself-hostedfiletransfer&sharingsolution.ItisanalternativetopaidserviceslikeDropboxandWeTransf...