
Front camera - Asus Zenfone Selfie review

<br><br>Beautification mode lets you set timer of up to 5 seconds while capturing photos; shots taken in this mode remove all imperfections from ...

ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL)|智能手機|ASUS 香港

利用特殊廣角模式並搭配ZenFone Selfie 的f/2.2 光圈前置鏡頭與88° 視野,讓您拍攝高達140° 的全景自拍照。您只要啟用全景自拍模式即可將所有朋友與自己一同入境,並納入壯觀 ...

ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL)||ASUS Egypt

With the unique Selfie Panorama mode, you're able to shoot selfies with an outlook of up to 140 degrees — so everything and everyone is part of your shot.


The ZenFone Selfie is slightly longer, by about 4mm, and this is probably to accommodate the larger front camera capability.

Asus Zenfone 2 review: A balancing act

An array of shooting modes are available on top of the Auto Mode, including Night, Panorama and HDR. A selfie mode helps utilize the main camera ...

[評測]自拍至上華碩ZenFone Selfie神拍機

主相機部分支援雷射對焦,可提供最快0.2 秒的合焦速度,前鏡頭則有F2.2 光圈與88 度廣角,搭配美顏模式可拍出水噹噹的自拍照,除此之外還有 ZenMotion、微電影 ...

ASUS ZenFone Selfie Review 華碩自拍神器手機ZenFone Selfie 評測

ZenFone Selfie 與ZenFone 2 同樣是5.5吋的螢幕,採用Full HD IPS面版,但ZenFone Selfie的屏佔比為71%比iPhone 6 plus 的68.3% 還要大,但比ZenFone 2 的72% ...

Asus Zenfone 2 Selfie Hands on Overview, Features, Comparison

Best Price Phone DEALS - http://goo.gl/1g04AB Visit http://www.gadgetstouse.com to read more detailed reviews, unboxing, ...

Google Camera For Zenfone 2 LaserSelfie [7.x,8.x]

1.Install The Camera As A Normal Apk, · 2.Open The App & Allow All The Permissions, · 3.Then Don't Swipe Right(It Will Crash The Camera) Just ...

華碩ZenFone Selfie

ZenFone Selfie為華碩旗下一款手機,也是華碩第一次於手機正面搭載1300萬畫素鏡頭+閃光燈與雷射對焦。於發布,系統搭載Android5.0版本。 Model no.


Beautificationmodeletsyousettimerofupto5secondswhilecapturingphotos;shotstakeninthismoderemoveallimperfectionsfrom ...,利用特殊廣角模式並搭配ZenFoneSelfie的f/2.2光圈前置鏡頭與88°視野,讓您拍攝高達140°的全景自拍照。您只要啟用全景自拍模式即可將所有朋友與自己一同入境,並納入壯觀 ...,WiththeuniqueSelfiePanoramamode,you'reabletoshootselfieswithanoutlookofupto140degrees—soeveryth...