ZNAPS The $9 Magnetic Adapter for your mobile devices ...

Znaps是一個磁性配接器,可把你的microUSB/Lightning/USB-C線材加入磁力功能,可以省卻不少麻煩,特別是周不時都會因手機叉電線拉扯導致手機跌落地,用 ...,ZNAPSisasimpleyetperfectsolutiontopreventfrayedchargingcables,trippingovercableresultinginsmashedpho...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Znaps 是一個磁性配接器,可把你的microUSB / Lightning / USB-C 線材加入磁力功能,可以省卻不少麻煩,特別是周不時 都會因手機叉電線拉扯導致手機跌落地,用 ...

Kickstarter - ZNAPS

ZNAPS is a simple yet perfect solution to prevent frayed charging cables, tripping over cable resulting in smashed phones, pointless fiddling to plug in cable ...

Amazon.com: 超長型USB Type

供應中 評分 4.3 (474) 超長型USB Type-C 16 英尺(約4.9 公尺)快速充電線,USB C 轉A 快速充電線16 英尺(約4.9 公尺)2 件組相容於Samsung Galaxy S10 S9 S8 Plus,編織型C 充電器,適用於Note 10 9 8 ...


ZNAPS Type C USB. Free Shipping. Model Number:ZNAPS-C. $57.49. Earn 1150 S-Points Rewards. Qty: Product Highlights. Description. See Less. Reviews (0).

The $9 Magnetic Adapter for your mobile devices by ZNAPS

ZNAPS is a magnetic adapter specially designed to seamlessly fit your mobile devices and cables, so you can charge and sync with the peace ...



ZNAPS -The $9 Magnetic Adapter for your mobile devices

Will ZNAPS support USB-C? Please note that ZNAPS in this Kickstarter is specifically for Micro-USB and Lightning cables. It is currently NOT compatible with USB ...

USB Type-C Magnetic Charger?

Problem with znaps, they are too expensive, for the price of snaps you can get the 5 of the chinese one's, even the znaps is made in china.

ZNAPS (@znapsnet) X

NEW USB-C Magnetic Adapter Unlocked!!! Check this out at http://kck.st ... #ZNAPS is compatible with Lightning Cable & Mirco-USB Cable! Learn more at ...

ZNAPS 咪埋眼充電亦得左!

就係ZNAPS 創新磁性充電器喇! ... ZNAPS 可以正反兩面插,無需再顧慮插入的方向,同時仲具備防水功能,又有LED 燈提示是否正在充電! 而且它的面積是非常細小呢, ...


Znaps是一個磁性配接器,可把你的microUSB/Lightning/USB-C線材加入磁力功能,可以省卻不少麻煩,特別是周不時都會因手機叉電線拉扯導致手機跌落地,用 ...,ZNAPSisasimpleyetperfectsolutiontopreventfrayedchargingcables,trippingovercableresultinginsmashedphones,pointlessfiddlingtoplugincable ...,供應中評分4.3(474)超長型USBType-C16英尺(約4.9公尺)快速充電線,USBC轉A快速充電線16英尺(約4.9公尺)2件組相容於Samsu...