zsnes 1.36
软件名称ZSnes1.36.所属分类.授权方式,共享软件.软件大小,455KB.运行环境,Win9x/Win200x/WinXP.推荐级别,推荐.更新时间,2004-09-0721:10:55.文件类型 ...,ZSNES1.36.GeneralareafortalkaboutZSNES.Thebestplacetoaskforrelatedquestionsaswellastroubleshooting.Mod...
Youcanswitchbetweenwindowedmodeandfullscreenwithease.Usingversion1.36,gamesprettymuchdonotdesynchronizeperiod;Stillhassomebig ...
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ZSnes 1.36
软件名称ZSnes 1.36. 所属分类. 授权方式, 共享软件. 软件大小, 455KB. 运行环境, Win9x/Win200x/WinXP. 推荐级别, 推荐. 更新时间, 2004-09-07 21:10:55. 文件类型 ...
ZSNES 1.36
ZSNES 1.36. General area for talk about ZSNES. The best place to ask for related questions as well as troubleshooting. Moderator: ZSNES Mods.
Compiling Zsnes 1.36
You'll need a lot of old libs for this. It is not worth investing the time if you aren't using an older Linux distro that was available at the ...
You can switch between windowed mode and full screen with ease. Using version 1.36, games pretty much do not desynchronize period; Still has some big ...
ZSNES is a SNES/Super Famicom emulator for x86 computers. It runs on Windows, MS-DOS and Linux/FreeBSD and supports mode 7, sound, Super FX, and a…
ZSNES is a SNES/Super Famicom emulator for x86 computers. It runs on Windows, MS-DOS and Linux/FreeBSD and supports mode 7, sound, Super FX, and a…
ZSNES News. Notes about Win and DOS. The Win version of ZSNES requires DirectX 8.0 or greater to run. Otherwise you will get various missing dll errors.