How to implement QR Code scanner in Angular

ZXingJSLibrary是ZXing项目的一部分,ZXing原本是一个Java编写的开源库,用于读取、写入多种二维码和条形码格式。现在,它的JavaScript实现使得前端开发者 ...,Multi-format1D/2Dbarcodeimageprocessinglibrary,usableinJavaScriptecosystem.TypeScript2.6k550·ngx-...。參考影片的文章的如下:


探索ZXing JS Library:一款强大的跨平台二维码和条形码处理库

ZXing JS Library是ZXing项目的一部分,ZXing原本是一个Java编写的开源库,用于读取、写入多种二维码和条形码格式。现在,它的JavaScript实现使得前端开发者 ...

ZXing for JS

Multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library, usable in JavaScript ecosystem. TypeScript 2.6k 550 · ngx-scanner ngx-scanner Public.

zxing-jslibrary: Multi-format 1D2D barcode image ...

ZXing (zebra crossing) is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages. Issues 162 · Pull requests 8 · Package.json ·

ZXing Barcode Scanner Tutorial

ZXing (pronounced zebra crossing) is an open-source JavaScript library that's widely used for barcode scanning and generation.

Anyone have a JS zxing example that actually works?

After some research, here is code that works on Node.js. You need to install the jimp module first.

How can I scan a QR code from a webcam using ZXing in JS?

ZXing will be available in the web page, so you can use some code like this to scan from a webcam using the decodeFromVideoDevice method.

See [Live Preview]( in browser. 48. 49, **Note:** All the examples are using ES6, be sure ...


ZXing (zebra crossing) is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages.


ZXing (zebra crossing) is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages.

ZXing TypeScript | Demo & Examples

ZXing TypeScript Examples. ZXing (zebra crossing) TypeScript is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library ported to TypeScript ...


ZXingJSLibrary是ZXing项目的一部分,ZXing原本是一个Java编写的开源库,用于读取、写入多种二维码和条形码格式。现在,它的JavaScript实现使得前端开发者 ...,Multi-format1D/2Dbarcodeimageprocessinglibrary,usableinJavaScriptecosystem.TypeScript2.6k550·ngx-scannerngx-scannerPublic.,ZXing(zebracrossing)isanopen-source,multi-format1D/2DbarcodeimageprocessinglibraryimplementedinJava,withportstootherlanguage...