
1.Adreamisawishyourheartmakes.·2.Atrueheroisn'tmeasuredbythesizeofhisstrength,butbythestrengthofhisheart.,以下為各位收集了不同行業及情況時能用到的名言,相信能為你提供啟發。名人語錄.1.一支球隊的整體表現決定了它的成功。你可能擁有世界上最優秀的個人 ...座右銘·動漫金句·電影台詞·PIXAR迪士尼台詞,Whatarethebestquotesfromanime?动画里的最棒的名言有哪些?获得132好评的答案@PrateekKedia.Lifeisn'taboutwhatri...


1. A dream is a wish your heart makes. · 2. A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.

21+句溫暖人生推動成長勵志金句,經典動漫、電影台詞及座右銘英文 ...

以下為各位收集了不同行業及情況時能用到的名言,相信能為你提供啟發。 名人語錄. 1.一支球隊的整體表現決定了它的成功。你可能擁有世界上最優秀的個人 ... 座右銘 · 動漫金句 · 電影台詞 · PIXAR迪士尼台詞


What are the best quotes from anime? 动画里的最棒的名言有哪些? 获得132好评的答案@Prateek Kedia. Life isn't about what river you live in but ...


Just follow your heart, and keep smiling. 跟隨你的心,然後保持微笑。——《魔女宅急便》(Kiki's Delivery Service).


1. Feel the rage. The powerful, pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to take action. 憤怒吧!「絕不饒恕」這種 ... 《鬼滅之刃》Demon Slayer... · No matter how many people...

【動畫英文】陪我們長大的動畫明星:20 個從他們身上學到的人生態度

The Villains: I am bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me. 反派:我是反派,那又怎樣 ... 一起來看看這些英文動畫電影給... · How to Train Your Dragon 2 馴...


如果你一再夢見,那麼它一定會成真。 If you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true.

往往也是讓你重新站起的契機。」就讓迪士尼經典英文金句給你滿滿 ...

“Getting older is inevitable, but growing up is a choice. Embrace your inner child no matter what age you are. ” — Peter Pan.


"It might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most." 「有時候,最平凡無聊廢到笑的小事反而是最難忘記的。」.


評分 5.0 (1) 沒有人會像芭比一樣完美,除了芭比。 “Nobody looks like Barbie, except, of course, Barbie.” 現實世界並不完美,但你激勵了我。 英文佳句電影3:Ratatouille 料... · 英文佳句電影6:Winnie the...