

I am sure you will …​​ A: This new cell phone is so confusing. B: I am sure you will get used to it. A: 這款新手機太令人困惑了。 B: 我相信你一定 ...


掌握5大商用英文例句,提升你的商用英文會話能力!​​ May I have your reply by[date], if possible? 能否在某日前收到您的答覆。 If you have any further questions, please ...


1.Get → receive 收到、得到 · 2.Need → require 需要 · 3.Talk about → discuss 討論 · 4.Get in touch → contact 聯繫 · 5.Make sure → ensure 確保. 必看ー把口語變成職場用語的... · 100個商用英文單字


A: Hello, this is David. How can I help you today? · B: Hi David, it's Lisa. I was trying to reach Emily. Is she available? · 嗨David,我是Lisa,我想找Emily,請問她 ...

【商用英文溝通】20 句職場商業英文用語,辦公室會話也可以充滿 ...

1: (to) seal a deal | 成交;達成協議 · 2: (to) introduce the meeting agenda | 介紹會議議程 · 3: (to) implement something | 執行某事;實施某事.

職場商用100 句實用英文句型|開會、簡報、面試、電話或出差都好用

您可以待會再撥過來嗎? Please tell him that Marie called. 請告訴他瑪里來電。 He can reach me at 555-3898. 他可以打555-3898 找我。


We're a startup company. (我們是一家新創公司。) We've been in business for two years. (我們生意已經做2年了。)


1. We specialize in this line of business. 我們專門經營此項服務。 2. We have been engaged in this business for the past 20 years. 敝公司從事這個業務已經有20 年 ...


職場英文會話:電話英文 ... I'd like to speak to __, please. (我想要找__,麻煩您了。) ... Hold the line please. (請稍等一下。) ... I'm afraid __ isn't ...


Iamsureyouwill…​​A:Thisnewcellphoneissoconfusing.B:Iamsureyouwillgetusedtoit.A:這款新手機太令人困惑了。B:我相信你一定 ...,掌握5大商用英文例句,提升你的商用英文會話能力!​​MayIhaveyourreplyby[date],ifpossible?能否在某日前收到您的答覆。Ifyouhaveanyfurtherquestions,please ...,1.Get→receive收到、得到·2.Need→require需要·3.Talkabout→discuss討論·4.Getintouch→contact聯繫·5.Makesure→ensure確保.必看ー把...